Learning Crystal Reports is not difficult. However, you need to spend a few hours or a few days to learn the basics. I have reached the conclusion that the best way of learning Crystal Reports is through video tutorials. 135 minutes of watching and 5 minutes of reading! Let's get started.

Lesson 1: Crystal Reports Tutorial - Introduction, First Report

Crystal Reports is very often used to report data from databases. In this lesson, we will create a database in SQL Server, and then we will create the first report. The first thing you need to do is creating a database and tables. Then we'll use Crystal Reports and create the first report.

Introduction to Crystal Reports


Lesson 2: Create a report, sort, and group data, format a report

Once we've created a report, we need to make it look good. In this lesson, we will learn how to sort and group data and change the font format. We will also add a page header, page footer, and a report header.