Introduction To Basic Concepts Of Angular You Need To Know Before Starting


Angular is the most popular open-source, client-side TypeScript based JavaScript framework. It is written in TypeScript and compiled into JavaScript. Angular is used to create dynamic web applications. It is maintained by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations.
A dynamic web application is simply a dynamic website, i.e.,, etc. which has a tendency to change data or information with respect to three parameters below:
  • Time-to-time [For example news update webs applications]
  • Location-to-location [For example Weather-report web applications]
  • User-to-user [For example Gmail, Facebook-type applications]


TypeScript(ts) is the primary language for the development of Angular Application. It is a superset of Javascript. It provides advanced autocompletion, navigation & refactoring.
However, browsers do not understand Typescript so we need to compile ts in plain Javascript. For this, the Typescript compiler (tsc) is used to transpile it into Javascript.


NodeJS is a javascript runtime environment. We don't need NodeJS directly, but web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox understand only Javascript. so we have to transpile our typescript to Javascript and for that, we use the typescript transpiler which requires NodeJS.


NPM (Node Package Manager) is the world's largest software library. The library contains 8,00,000 code packages. NPM includes CLI (Command Line Interface) that we can use to download and install software.

Angular CLI

Angular CLI is a Command Line Interface tool. It comes with commands that help us to initialize, develop, and maintain Angular applications directly from a command shell.

VS Code

VS Code (Visual studio code) is a cross-platform IDE(Integrated development environment) developed by Microsoft. The good thing about visual studio code is that it has a debugging option and provides recommends extensions that can be easily installed and use them.


Components are like the basic building block in an Angular application, which is a combination of HTML & TS(Typescript) files. An application may have any number of components. We can build a whole application by using different components. Components can make our complex applications into reusable parts which we can reuse easily.


A module is a mechanism to group components, directives, pipes & services that are related to the application. A module is like a container. For example, we are developing a website with a header, banner, section, and footer all become parts of a module. 


Bootstrapping is equivalent to initializing or starting. It is a technique of initializing or loading our Angular application. In other words, it starts the application behind the scene and displays it in a browser. 


Webpack is an open-source javascript module bundler. It transpiles typescript to Javascript, Sass files to CSS, and many other tasks. It is a tool for bundling application source code in convenient chunks and loading that code from a server
You can learn complete details about Angular from here:

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