In today's fast-paced digital world, applications are expected to deliver high performance and responsiveness. One way to achieve this is by implementing caching mechanisms that store frequently accessed data, reducing the need to fetch it from the database repeatedly. Redis, a popular in-memory data store, provides a robust caching solution for .NET Core applications. In this article, we will explore how to integrate Redis cache in a .NET Core 6 application with practical examples.
Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system.
- .NET Core 6 SDK: Ensure you have .NET Core 6 SDK or later installed. You can download it from the official .NET website.
- Redis Server: Install and run a Redis server locally or use a Redis cloud service.
Install Radis Server on Window
Download Redis
You can download a moderately out-of-date precompiled version of Redis for 64-bit Windows from this GitHub page:
By clicking this link, you will get a .msi file which is a Windows installer. Now go to your Downloads folder and find this file.
Now click on that file and install Redis.
Redis Server should have been installed to C:\Program Files\Redis. There you’ll find a .exe file called redis-server.
![Server on Window]()
Now open a command line and enter this command.
![open a command line]()
Your Redis server started to run.
Now you can monitor the updates and changes in the Redis server by this command.
redis-cli monitor
![Redis server started to run.]()
Create a .NET Core 6 Console Application
dotnet new console -n RedisCacheDemo
Navigate to the project folder
cd RedisCacheDemo
Install Required Packages
dotnet add package StackExchange.Redis
Configure Redis Connection
In the Program.cs
file, add the necessary statement, and configure the Redis connection in the Main
static void Main(string[] args)
var configuration = ConfigurationOptions.Parse("localhost:6379");
var redisConnection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(configuration);
var redisCache = redisConnection.GetDatabase();
Console.WriteLine("Fetching data with caching:");
var cachedData = GetDataWithCaching(redisCache);
Console.WriteLine($"Result: {cachedData}");
Console.WriteLine("Fetching data without caching:");
var uncachedData = GetDataFromDatabase();
Console.WriteLine($"Result: {uncachedData}");
redisConnection.Close(); //It is important to close the connection
static string GetDataFromDatabase()
// Simulate fetching data from the database
// Replace this with your actual database fetching logic
Thread.Sleep(2000); // Simulating latency
return "Start";
static string GetDataWithCaching(IDatabase redisCache)
// redisCache.KeyDelete("cachedData"); // For Delete the Cache
// redisCache.StringSet("cachedData", "Test", TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)); // For Update the Cache
string cachedData = redisCache.StringGet("cachedData");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cachedData))
cachedData = GetDataFromDatabase();
redisCache.StringSet("cachedData", cachedData, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
return cachedData;
Please proceed with the execution of this program.
![proceed with the execution]()
In this output, the result with and without cache is the same. This is because the output is stored in the cache the first time it is generated. However, if there are any changes in the code, then the result will be different.
static string GetDataFromDatabase()
// Simulate fetching data from the database
// Replace this with your actual database fetching logic
Thread.Sleep(2000); // Simulating latency
return "Last";
I updated the code's value and will rerun it.
In this output, the first value is retrieved from the cache, and the second value is retrieved without using the cache.
Congratulations! You have successfully integrated the Redis cache into your .NET Core 6 application. By implementing caching, you have improved the performance and responsiveness of your application, making it more efficient in handling frequently accessed data.