As of now there is no direct template for Angular5 available in Visual Studio 2017.
Go to below link and click on download button.
Once it is downloaded close the all the instances of the Visual Studio and install the template.
If installation file finds any open Visual Studio instances it will stop the installation and ask us to click on “EndTask”, by clicking , it will close the all the instances of Visual Studio.
Once after closing the VS instances it continues to install the template.
Once it completes the installation click on Close button.
Now open Visual Studio 2017, go to New->Project
Select Visual C# in left menu and select “Angular5TF” template. It should be available by now since we installed this template in a previous step.
Select the project location, project name and solution name, click “OK” button, it will create a Angular 5 with .net core 2.0 project solution.
Build the solution and run the application by pressing F5. We may get the below error if “vendor-manifest.json” file is missing from /ClientApp/dist folder.
It’s available in below github location.
Download vendor-manifest.json file .
open ClientApp/dist folder. It looks like one in below
Paste the copied file in this location, now it should contain that file as shown below.
Now run the application, if we see the below screen up and running with Angular 5 and .net core 2.0, it means initial setup has done properly and we can start our implementation from this boiler plate.