Login to your Windows Server 2016 operating system and go to Server Manager. Click Add roles and feature.
![Server Manager Add roles and feature]()
Server Manager
Once you click Add roles and features, you will be able to see "Add roles and Features" Wizard, which shows the installation process step by step.
![Add roles and Features Wizard]()
Add Roles and Features Wizard
Here, as you can see in the wizard given above, you have an option to select the type of an installation. I am selecting Role-based installation in this article.
![Add roles and Features Wizard]()
After selecting the type of installation, you have to select the Server from the Server pool on which you want to install this role and the features. In the wizard given above, I am selecting Ind-dns1 server.
Once you have selected a Server from the Server pool, you will see the list of the Server roles, which you need to select and which you want to install. In this case, we are installing DHCP Server role, so I’m selecting DHCP Server from the list of roles, followed by clicking Next.
![Add roles and Features Wizard]()
List of Server Roles
As soon as you click Next button, you’ll see a “Add Roles and Features Wizard”, which asks for adding the required tools to manage DHCP Server. I would say, just click Add Features and continue with the installation process.
![Add roles and Features Wizard]()
Once you click Add Features, DHCP Server role will be added to your installation process. (Please see < Under Features> in the screen shot)
You can also add more feature to install on your selected Server. All you need to do is, just select the features which you want to install from the Features Windows given below and click Next.
![Add roles and Features Wizard]()
Here comes the confirmation section. Make sure to confirm that your selection while installation is correct..Once everything looks correct, click Next.
![Add roles and Features Wizard]()
Once you click Install button, the installation process starts and you can see the installation progress screen.
![Add roles and Features Wizard]()
After installing all the features, do not just close it. You need to configure DHCP to complete the installation process. Click Complete DHCP Configuration link to complete the configuration.
![DHCP Configuration]()
After successfully launching the Post-install configuration wizard, you need to configure the security group for DHCP administrators and the users (password is required).
![Configure security groups]()
After clicking Commit in the screen given above, it will create the security groups and will display the status in Summary Window.
![create security groups]()
In Summary Windows, click Close. You have now successfully installed DHCP Server role in Windows Server 2016. Please read my previous article, if you don’t know about DHCP Server and its use.