Installation Of Django: Python Framework

MVC type framework (Called MVT in Django)

  • M= Model
  • V= View
  • T= Template
Main Features of Django:
  1. A WSGI (web server gateway interface) is a standard interface between web servers and Python web applications or frameworks.
  2. Routing - where /index should be routed to a particular python code that handles it.
  3. Admin Panel - Django provides an admin panel of your database tables that want to use in the admin panel.
  4. Database - It provides connectivity to many databases for change only database connectivity code.
Installation steps of Django:
  1. Download the MSI installer. Select 32 bit or 64 bit based on the System Install Python in your system.
  2. Run the installer. Be sure to check the option to add Python to your PATH while installing.
  3. Now Run Command Prompt and Enter “python”. You will see the output as below
    Command Prompt
  4. We need some libraries for further process like pip,virtualenv
  5. Now download file.
  6. Where you download the above file then open a command prompt with this directory.
  7. Enter Command in CMD: “python”. It will install pip command for use in CMD. I have already installed therefore it is shown as Requirement already up-to-date. Check it is successfully installed or not using CMD to enter the “pip” command.
  8. Now Install virtualenv library using pip. Enter Command in CMD:” pip install virtualenv”.
  9. After installation, open command prompt in base C: drive directory and Enter Command in CMD: “virtualenv env”.
  10. It will create a folder in C: base directory and copy the required files in this directory.
  11. Now again run command in CMD of base directory: “/env/Scripts/activate”.
  12. You are in working in the virtual environment of python and also see (env) before the command directory. If you want to go out from a virtual environment then run the command “deactivate”.
  13. Now you can install Django in your System. Write Command in CMD with the virtual environment “pip install django”.I have already installed it.
  14. Now go to the directory where you want to create a project of Django in command prompt. I’m creating a project in C:\Users\NeErAj\project directory.
  15. Write command in CMD: “django-admin startproject demo”.It creates a project demo folder with some python files.
  16. Here are used to run the command through this file.
  17. In the demo folder, a new same demo already exists that contains,,, files.
  18. Now go to inner demo “(env) C:\Users\NeErAj\project\demo> “folder in command prompt and write command: “django-admin startapp main”.
  19. It creates the main folder in the root demo folder that contains multiple files which are the most useful files for further use in the Django project.
  20. In command “django-admin startapp main”. Here “main” is an app name then you must write this app name in files in INSTALLED_APP block. Without it, you can’t use the main directory as Project.

  21. Now Run command in the root demo directory. “python runserver”
  22. Open the browser and enter URL
  23. Now Django is successfully installed.
Use Django directly in Visual Studio
  1. Download python tools for visual studio at and install it.
  2. Now you will see in Visual Studio.
  3. You can make the Django web project directly.
  4. But according to me you should have knowledge about all basic commands of django for customization.

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