This post will help you out in installing Hyper-V on your Windows Server and teach you how to set up a Virtual Machine. So, let’s get started.
You should have Administrator right on the Windows Server to install Hyper-V
- In Server Manager, click on Manage > Add Roles and Feature.
![install Hyper V on Windows Server]()
- Assuming all the pre-requisites have been completed, click Next.
![install Hyper V on Windows Server]()
- Select "Role-based or feature based installation" and click Next.
![install Hyper V on Windows Server]()
- Select the computer name and click Next.
![install Hyper V on Windows Server]()
- Select Hyper-V and click on "Add features".
![install Hyper V on Windows Server]()
- Click Next, Next and Install
- Select the "Restart the server automatically if required" option.
![install Hyper V on Windows Server]()
Now, Hyper-V feature has been installed. It is time to set-up a Virtual Machine on it.
Steps to Set-up VM
- Open Hyper-V Manager and click Action >> Connect to Server.
![Virtual Machine setup]()
- Select Local computer and click OK.
![Virtual Machine setup]()
- Once you get connected, click "Action" and select Virtual Machine or on right hand side of your screen, you can see a new option; click on it and select Virtual Machine.
![Virtual Machine setup]()
- Click Next, specify a name for your virtual machine, and location to store it. Click Next.
![Virtual Machine setup]()
- Select the generation accordingly and click Next.
![Virtual Machine setup]()
- Assign the memory that will be utilized by Virtual Machine. Click Next.
![Virtual Machine setup]()
- Select the connection accordingly, you can choose internal or external. Click Next
- Select the option Create Virtual Disk and its location.
![Virtual Machine setup]()
- Select Option on how to install O/S. Better to have an ISO file on window server.
![Virtual Machine setup]()
- Click Next, Check the summary and Click Finish.
A Virtual Machine will be created in your Hyper-V Manager. Open that VM, and it will start booting the O/S from ISO you have selected.
Hope it helps.
Happy SharePointing.