This article will help to understand and learn the basic concepts of Power Platform.
Below are some of the important concepts of 'Power Platform Fundamentals'
1. Microsoft products that are part of Power Platform
Refer: What is Microsoft Power Platform? - Learn | Microsoft Docs
2. Components of Model Driven App
Refer: Understand model-driven app components in Power Apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs
3. Types of Filters in Power BI Reports
Refer: Types of filters in Power BI reports - Power BI | Microsoft Docs
4. Connectors in Canvas App
Refer: Overview of connectors for canvas apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs
5. Types of Real time dataset in Power BI
Refer: Real-time streaming in Power BI - Power BI | Microsoft Docs
6. Different Types of PowerApps Portals Templates
Refer: Portal templates - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs
7. Steps to share Model Driven App
Refer: Share a model-driven app using Power Apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs
8. Venn diagram comparing Power BI Desktop and the Power BI service
Refer: Comparing Power BI Desktop and the Power BI service - Power BI | Microsoft Docs
9. Site issues in PowerApps Portal
Refer: Introduction - Learn | Microsoft Docs
10. Key Capabilities of AI Builders
Refer: Introducing AI Builder for Power Platform | Microsoft Power Apps
This article will help you in understanding basic concepts of Power Platform. Thank you:)