IIS 10 - Step By Step Guide to create a Self-Signed Certificate


In this article, I am going to guide you on how to create a self-signed certificate using IIS version 10.

We are going to discuss.

  1. What is SSL?
  2. Step-by-step Guide to Create a Self-Signed Certificate?

What is SSL?

The Full Form of SSL is the Secure Socket Layer.

SSL protocol helps us to secure your customer data from cyber criminals from your website. E.g., Suppose you have an ecommerce website that has customer card details or a banking site, then you need SSL certificate to secure customer data.

Hope you have a basic understanding now; Let's create a Self-Signed certificate using IIS 10.

Create a Self-Signed Certificate

Please follow the below steps to create a Self-Signed Certificate using IIS.

Step 1. Go to the Start menu and click on Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.


Click “inetmgr” in the search bar to open IIS.

Step 2. Click on the Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager. Click the server name and select the “Server Certificates” option.

IIS Manager

Step 3. Click on the Server Certificate. Select the “Create Self-Signed Certificate” tab on the right side.

Click on “Create Self-Signed certification”.

Step 4. Specify “Friendly Name” and Folder name where the certificate will be stored.

Friendly names

I selected the “Personal” folder and clicked on the Ok button. A self-Signed certificate will be created.

Server Certificates

In the next article, I will show you how to bind this certificate with your website to make it HTTPS.

Hope you like this article and learn something new. Thank you for your time.

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