How To Work Photos App In Windows 10


Photos app in Windows 10 has new features that do more than just display your pictures as a slideshow. One of the features available is the ability to allow the app to automatically enhance your photos when possible. These apps take up very little space on your device so it’s best to just ignore them if you don’t want to use them. The new photos app has three main sections,
  1. Collection
  2. Albums
  3. Folder 
When clicking on the photos app then open the three sections,


In the Collection section, you will see a collection of your all photos grouped by the same time & date taken. If you want to quickly find photos from a certain time & date period without scrolling through all of the photos in your collection, click or tap on a date to zoom out to a list of all past month's photos.
When clicking on collection options then open photos grouped by month.


In the photos app, the Albums section is a little different with a collection section. In the album section, you will find albums that it creates automatically based on date taken, location and possibly recognition. At the moment it does not look like you can manually create albums so this section is a little changed. Album is also created by itself for a particular person.
When to click on the album section then the album is opened and shows its dialogue box; if the album is not created then it shows the notification like:


In the photos app in the folder section, you will create the folder of your choice where you put your choice photos on one drive. Some folders are created automatically based on your system's photos.
When you will click on the folder section the dialogue box is open and shows the folder created;  if a folder is not created then it shows one folder in one-drive in the dialogue box-like.


In Windows 10 photos app uses the account for seeing all memories in any place. When you are signed in to your account in one drive then your one drive photos and videos will appear.  When you click on the account it shows the notification like:
When clicking the account then the dialogue box is open and shows the notification like:


In photos app when you click on the settings then it shows many settings for changing and managing and editing. By default, photos are seen in tiles form but you change it by the settings. These options are viewing and editing, tile, sources, Microsoft One Drive and etc.


I hope you enjoyed this Photos app tutorial; follow C# Corner to learn more new and amazing things about Windows 10.

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