How To Use The Nullish Coalescing Operator in JavaScript

In this post, we will understand how the nullish coalescing operator works in JavaScript. The nullish coalescing operator (??) is a logical operator in JavaScript that is used to check if a value is null or undefined. If the value is either null or undefined, the operator returns the value on the right side of the operator, otherwise, it returns the value on the left side.

Let's understand this in detail with an example:

const foo = null;
const bar = 0;

console.log(foo ?? 'default value');  // Output: 'default value'
console.log(bar ?? 'default value');  // Output: 0

In the first example, the value of foo is null, so the ?? operator returns the default value 'default value'. In the second example, the value of bar is 0, which is a valid value, so the ?? operator returns the value of bar, which is 0.

The nullish coalescing operator is similar to the logical OR operator (||), but it only returns the right-side value if the left-side value is null or undefined, whereas the logical OR operator returns the right-side value if the left-side value is falsy (i.e., null, undefined, 0, '', false).

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between the nullish coalescing operator and the logical OR operator:

const foo = null;
const bar = 0;

console.log(foo ?? 'default value');  // Output: 'default value'
console.log(foo || 'default value');  // Output: 'default value'

console.log(bar ?? 'default value');  // Output: 0
console.log(bar || 'default value');  // Output: 0

In both examples, the nullish coalescing operator and the logical OR operator return the default value 'default value' when the value of foo is null, but the logical OR operator also returns the default value when the value of bar is 0, which is considered a falsy value. The nullish coalescing operator, on the other hand, only returns the default value when the value is null or undefined.

I hope you found this tutorial useful. In case you've any queries or feedback, feel free to drop a note in comments.

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