Rust is a modern systems programming language with a strong static type system, robust memory management features, and an emphasis on performance and safety. One of Rust's distinguishing features is its support for object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts such as methods. This article will look at Rust methods, including their syntax, usage, and benefits.
What are Methods in Rust?
Methods are similar to those in other OOP languages like Java, C++, and Python. They enable you to encapsulate behavior and data for a specific type, allowing you to define reusable functions tied to a specific type or object. In Rust, methods are functions associated with a specific type and defined within an implement block.
The Syntax for Define a Method
The impl keyword is used to define methods, followed by the type name and then the method name. A method's first parameter is always self, which represents the instance of the type on which the method is called. Depending on whether the method needs to modify the data of the receiver object, the self parameter can be mutable (&mut self) or immutable (&self).
Here's an example of a method for calculating a rectangle's area.
struct Rectangle {
width: u32,
height: u32,
impl Rectangle {
fn area(&self) -> u32 {
self.width * self.height
fn main() {
let rect = Rectangle { width: 10, height: 20 };
println!("The area of the rectangle is {} square units.", rect.area());
In this example, we define a struct Rectangle with two fields, width and height. Then, using the impl keyword, we define an implementation of Rectangle and a method area that accepts a reference to self (the instance of Rectangle) and returns the area of the rectangle.
In the main function, we create an instance of Rectangle and use the dot notation to invoke its area method.
Method Dispatch in Rust
For method calls, Rust employs "static dispatch," which means that the appropriate method implementation is determined at compile timetime-basedthe type of the receiver. This enables efficient and predictable method resolution because the compiler can optimize the method call at compile time based on the known type of receiver. This contrasts with "dynamic dispatch" in other languages, which determines the appropriate method implementation at runtime, incurring a runtime overhead.
Mutable and Immutable Methods
In Rust, methods can be either mutable (&mut self) or immutable (&self). Mutable methods can modify the receiver object's data, whereas immutable methods cannot. Rust has strict rules regarding mutable borrowing, ensuring that mutable methods do not interfere with concurrent access to the same data. Here's an example of a mutable method that calculates and modifies the area of a rectangle.
Example of Mutable method
struct Counter {
number: u32,
impl Counter {
// This method increments the count field by 1
fn increment(&mut self) {
self.number += 1;
fn main() {
let mut counter = Counter { number: 0 };
counter.increment(); // This call modifies the count field
println!("The number is now {}", counter.number);
This example defines a struct Counter with a single field number. We then define an implementation of Counter using the impl keyword and define a method increment that takes a mutable reference to self and increments the number field by 1.
In the main function, we create an instance of Counter and call its increment method using the dot notation. This call modifies the number field of the Counter instance.
Example of Immutable method
struct Rectangle {
num1: u32,
num2: u32,
impl Rectangle {
// This method returns the area of the rectangle
fn area(&self) -> u32 {
self.num1 * self.num2
fn main() {
let rect = Rectangle { width: 10, height: 20 };
let area = rect.area(); // This call does not modify any fields of the Rectangle instance
println!("The area of the rectangle is {} square.", area);
In this example, we define a struct Rectangle with two fields, num1 and num2. Then, using the impl keyword, we define an implementation of Rectangle and a method area that accepts a reference to self (the instance of Rectangle) and returns the area of the rectangle.
What is the difference between method and function?
Methods and functions are both used in Rust to define reusable pieces of code that perform a specific task. However, there are some important differences between methods and functions in Rust:
- Methods are associated with a specific type and are defined within an impl block, whereas functions are standalone and not tied to any specific type.
- Methods are invoked by type instances (i.e., objects), whereas functions are invoked independently.
- Methods have access to the self keyword, which represents the type instance on which the method is being called. This enables methods to access and modify the receiver object's data. Functions do not have access to themselves and cannot access data directly.
Methods are a key element of Rust, allowing developers to encapsulate functionality within a type. They are specified with the impl keyword and can be invoked using the dot notation syntax on instances of the related type. Rust's method support makes it simple to construct clean, modular code that is simple to understand and maintain.
In this article, we learned about methods and their syntax, the distinction between methods and functions, and how we can use them in a structure.
Q 1- How do you define a method in Rust?
A- A method in Rust, we must first define a struct, enum, or trait. Then, using the impl keyword, define a function that takes a reference to the struct, enum, or trait as its first parameter.
Q 2- Can methods have parameters in Rust?
A- Yes, methods can have parameters in Rust, just like regular functions. The first parameter will always reference the struct, enum, or trait associated with the method.
Q 3- How do you call a method in Rust?
A- To call a method in Rust, we first need to create an instance of the struct, enum, or trait associated with the method. Then, you can call the method using the dot notation and pass in any required parameters.
Q 4- Can you override methods in Rust?
A- Yes, we can override methods in Rust by defining a new method implementation for a specific struct, enum, or trait. This is called method overriding.