How To Use Face API In Android Apps - Part One


Android is one of the most popular operating systems for mobile. Face API is used to locate the face while taking a picture and also, it detects the face impressions, like happy, sad, male or female, and your approximate age, etc.
In this article, I will show you how to use Face API in Android applications using Android Studio. Android is the kernel-based operating system, in which users can modify the GUI components and source code.
  • Android Studio
  • Little knowledge of XML and Java
  • Android Emulator (or) Android mobile
  • Stable internet connection during execution
  • Download link (Android Studio)

Steps to be followed

Carefully follow these steps to use Face API in Android applications using Android Studio. Source code is available for download.
Step 1
Open the Android Studio and start a new project.
Android Studio
Step 2
Put the application name and company domain. If you wish to use C++ for coding the project, mark the "Include C++ support" checkbox and click Next.
Step 3
Select the Android minimum SDK. Click Next.
Android minimum SDK
Step 4
Choose "Basic activity" and click Next.
Step 5
Put the activity name and layout name. Android Studio basically takes the java class name the same as what you name the activity. Now, click Finish.
Step 6
Go to the below link and choose FACE API. Then, click the "Create" option.
Microsoft Face API
Step 7
Choose your region and agree to the agreement. Then, click Next.
Microsoft Cognitive Services
Step 8
Sign in to create the API via Outlook, GitHub, LinkedIn or Facebook account.
Step 9
Copy your API keys and endpoint.
Microsoft Face API
Step 10
Paste your API key into the strings.xml file.
Here, we have successfully implemented the Face API in Android applications. 
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