In this article, we learn about how to use cargo commands. Cargo commands are one of the important features of Rust that help to build our project. Cargo has various commands and separate use. So we learn one by one all the commands.
The following cargo commands are
- Cargo New
- Cargo Build
- Cargo Test
- Cargo run
- Cargo check
- Cargo doc
- Cargo version
What is Cargo in Rust?
In the Rust programming language, "cargo" is the package manager and build tool for Rust projects. In this context, cargo refers to the data that a Rust program is designed to handle and process. You can use the cargo command to build, test, and run the project and manage its dependencies. So, in short, cargo in Rust can refer to both the package manager and build tool, as well as the data that a Rust program operates on.
Main Cargo Commands in Rust Programming Language
Cargo New
Cargo new command provides a new rust project. When this command is run, then it provides the structure of the rust project, including cargo.toml , src directory, and file. It can also be used to create a library project with a file. This command can be used to quickly start a new Rust project without having to manually set up the directory structure or write configuration files from scratch.
cargo new file_name
![cargo new]()
Cargo Build
Cargo build is used to build our rust project with all package and their dependencies. This is one of the important commands in Rust, it provides all main files with their dependencies to use their own project. It is a command-line utility that compiles Rust code and generates an executable binary or library that can be used for testing or distribution. It is designed to make it easier to manage dependencies and build artifacts.
cargo build
Cargo Check
Cargo check is used to check all packages and dependencies, it is basically used for checking errors in a project. It is very fast to execute to check errors in their project. This makes it possible for programmers to find and fix mistakes in their code before creating and testing the final binary. This speeds up the process of building and testing the final binary by enabling developers to identify faults earlier in the development cycle.
cargo check
Cargo Test
Cargo test is a command that is used in Rust to run automated tests for a Rust project. It compiles the project into a test binary and runs tests. All of the tests in the package are automatically built and run, and it gives helpful feedback on how each test is doing. The package and all of its dependencies are compiled, and after that, the tests are run. The tool is a component of Cargo, package management for Rust projects.
cargo test
Cargo Run
Cargo run is one of the important commands in Rust, it is used to run our project. This command runs all files at a time. In a single action, it takes care of building the project, handling dependencies, and running the program. It is the simplest method for quickly starting a Rust program.
cargo run
Cargo Version
This command returns the version name of the Rust programming language. In other words, it is a simple command that provides valuable information about the versions of both Cargo and Rust, helping developers ensure they are using the latest features and working with compatible versions of the language and its tools.
cargo version
Cargo Doc
Cargo doc is those commands to build the documentation of the project and its dependencies. Running cargo doc in a Rust project causes it to scan the source code and produce HTML pages with the documentation for all of the openly accessible types, modules, and functions. The function signatures, explanations, and examples are all included in the documentation. The hierarchy of the generated HTML pages corresponds to the module structure of the code.
cargo doc
![cargo new]()
In this article, there are various cargo commands, and we learn how to use those commands, cargo commands are one of the important features in Rust programming language, and it is mandatory to learn these commands to use Rust programming language. Developers may quickly manage their projects and dependencies with Cargo's straightforward command-line interface.
Q 1. What does the cargo test command do?
A- The cargo test command is used to run automated tests for a Rust project. It compiles the project into a test binary and runs tests, giving helpful feedback on how each test is doing.
Q 2. What does the cargo run command do?
A- The cargo run command is used to run a Rust project. It takes care of building the project, handling dependencies, and running the program, making it the simplest method for quickly starting a Rust program.
Q 3. What does the cargo version command do?
A- The cargo version command returns the version name of the Rust programming language, providing valuable information about the versions of both Cargo and Rust.
Q 4. What is the difference between in cargo checks and cargo tests?
A- In Rust, the cargo test executes the test suite and verifies that the expected outcomes occurred, while the cargo check quickly scans the code for errors and warnings without creating an executable.