Have you observed whenever you open your environment, which has some random id in the Environment URL like org61116bfc.crm5.dynamics.com.
![Update the URL of the Dynamics 365 CE environment]()
You can configure and update this Environment URL as per our environment.
In this article will explain to you, how to update this URL in the Power Platform Admin Center.
Follow the below steps for the same.
Step 1: Login to Power Platform Admin Center (PPAC) Environment with your credentials.
Step 2: Click on the Environments, and click on the required Environment Name.
![Update the URL of the Dynamics 365 CE environment]()
You can see the below Environment URL.
![Update the URL of the Dynamics 365 CE environment]()
Step 3: Click on Edit.
![Update the URL of the Dynamics 365 CE environment]()
You can see the URL text box field.
![Update the URL of the Dynamics 365 CE environment]()
Step 4: Provide the required Environment Name and that should be unique and Click on Save.
![Update the URL of the Dynamics 365 CE environment]()
Environment details updates are in progress.
![Update the URL of the Dynamics 365 CE environment]()
![Update the URL of the Dynamics 365 CE environment]()
![Update the URL of the Dynamics 365 CE environment]()
Environment URL has been updated successfully.
![Update the URL of the Dynamics 365 CE environment]()
Hope you have successfully updated the Environment URL.
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