How To Setup And Connect To The Dataverse Environment In Postman

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Postman is an API platform for developers to design, build, test, and iterate their APIs.

In this article, I will explain the setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman.

Follow the below steps.


How to Download and Install Postman on your PC?

Step 1

Launch Postman on your Desktop.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 2

Click on Create Account to create a new account in Postman.


Click on Sign In, if you already have an account.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Note: This Sign In is only required to store all your activity in your Postman account online. Otherwise, all your work will be stored locally on your PC.

I already have an account, so clicked on Sign In and it will be redirected to a web browser page.

Step 3 

Provide Email or Username and Password and Click on Sign in.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 4 

Click on Open to open the Postman Desktop App.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Postman Desktop app opening is in progress.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Postman Desktop app opened with the credentials provided in Step 3.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 5 

Click on Workspaces and Click on Create Workspace.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 6 

Provide NameSummary and choose the required Visibility.

Click on Create Workspace.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Workspace has been created.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 7

Click on Environments.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 8 

Click on Create Environment.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 9 

Provide the Environment Name.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 10

Provide the below variable names.

url https://<yourorgname>
clientid 51f81489-12ee-4a9e-aaae-a2591f45987d
version 9.2
webapiurl {{url}}/api/data/v{{version}}/
callback https://localhost


  1. clientid for the Development environment you can provide 51f81489-12ee-4a9e-aaae-a2591f45987d and for other environments you can get the client id from the below article.

    How to Register an App in Azure Active Directory for Dynamics 365 CE Online?
  2. url and version of the webapi of the Dynamics 365 CE environment can get from the below article.

    How to get the Dataverse Web API endpoint details in the Microsoft PowerApps?

Step 11

Variables will look like the below. Click on Save.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 12

Click on Collections.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 13

Click on Create Collection.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 14

New Collection will be created and click on  and Click on Rename to change the Name of the Collection.

You can Enter Documentation for the Collection in the Documentation Section.

Also, make sure to select the right Environment on the Top right-hand corner in the Environments dropdown.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 15

Provide the name to the New Collection.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 16

Under Authorization, select Type as OAuth 2.0.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Type will be set to OAuth 2.0 and Add auth data to Request Headers.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 17

Provide the below values under the Configure New Token section.

Token Name Give some name to the Token
Grant Type Choose Implicit
Callback URL {{callback}}
Auth URL {{authurl}}
Client ID {{clientid}}

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 18 

Click on Save.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 19

Click on Get New Access Token to generate token.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 20

Sign in page will be prompted. Provide your Dynamics 365 Environment's Email address and click on Next.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 21

Provide your password and click on Sign in.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 22

Open the Microsoft Authenticator app for approving the request.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Once the credentials are successfully verified, you can see the below message “Authentication complete“.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 23 

Access Token is generated and Click on Use Token.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Access Token can be seen under Current Token section.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 24

Under Collections, click on Add a request to test our connection.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 25

Click on New Request … and Click on Rename.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Renamed to WhoAmI.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Step 26

Select GET Http Verb and provide the below text


and click on Save and Send.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

WhoAmI GET request sending is in progress.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Once, the connection is established successfully you can see the below response under Body section.

setup and connect to the Dataverse environment in Postman

Hope you have followed all the steps and connected to your Dataverse environment in Postman.

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