How To Reset Your Network In Windows 10


This process you may also know as a "Winsock reset “or "comms reinstall" in Windows 10. When your Internet connection has become slow, sometimes it may be your system had a virus and now your Internet connection is not running properly. It may be time to clean up your network connection. Here is how to reset your network adapter in Windows 10. Windows 10 has a command-line facility. It is called Network Shell. It allows you to display and modify the network configuration of your computer.

Reset Network

For resetting your network settings, first, you will click search.
After clicking the search button, you will type “cmd” in the search box.
After typing the “cmd” in your search, one cmd run command comes in the dialogue box. After the search, you click on the dialogue box and you get a black command window, as shown below-
In this command box, you will type netsh Winsock reset and then hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
After enter key, you will wait for the command prompt to run through the Reset. Once it’s complete, you’ll see the message “netsh Winsock reset completed successfully”. Restart your computer to finish the rest of the settings.


In this article, we learned about how to reset your network in Windows 10 

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