How To Manage Windows Update In Windows 10


Microsoft Windows 10 has simplified and automated the Windows Update process at the expense of transparency. You can take some control over this and have Windows 10 install updates on a schedule. Windows 10 doesn’t automatically download updates on it. You can set any connection as a metered connection or a Wi-Fi device.
Step 1
First, click on Start icon and click Settings button.
Step 2
In this step, select “Update & security” icon.
Step 3
Next, select “Windows Update” icon and click "Check for updates".
Step 4
In this step, Update will show that the “Updates" are available. We will download them when we are not using a metered connection, or you can download the latest version using your current data connection. You can download via Wi-Fi too.
Step 5
Select “Change active hours” icon. The system will give you a warning - " When you usually use this device, then restart is necessary to finish installing the updates. We will not automatically restart your device during active hours". Here, you can change the active hours.
Step 6
In this step, you will select “Restart option” icon. This option is available to temporarily override active hours and a custom time to finish installing the current update(s). Make sure your device is plugged in at the scheduled time.
Step 7
In this option, you will select “Advanced option” icon. You will see your new settings enforced here. These options can be changed in Group Policy.


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