How To Install The Latest Version Of AjaxControlToolkit For Visual Studio

First, let’s see how to download and install the latest version of AjaxControlToolkit.

Earlier, you needed to go here to download AjaxControlToolkit. Now, if you go to the above website, you get the following page.

How To Install The Latest Version Of AjaxControlToolkit For Visual Studio
It says the project has moved. So, click on the first link and it will take you to the AjaxControlToolkit download page. It’s a DevExpress website. Actually, AjaxControlToolkit is open source and Microsoft was asked by DevExpress to manage AjaxControlToolkit.

This is what it says on this website -

“If ASP.NET is your web development platform of choice, odds are you familiar with the open-source AJAX Control Toolkit. If you've used the toolkit in the past, you also know that for quite some time, the project was poorly supported, with an ever growing list of critical issues. Seeing the demand for such a library and considering its current state, we approached Microsoft and suggested that we help bring the Toolkit back into a dependable and usable state. Needless to say, Microsoft agreed. The good news is that since we took on this responsibility, we've managed to clean up the codebase, introduced improved Visual Studio support, and fixed nearly 900 bugs.”

So, from the download button, you can download the executable(.exe) file and install it on your computer. (In short, if you want, you can go to this website to downaload it.)

How To Install The Latest Version Of AjaxControlToolkit For Visual Studio

Click on the "Download" button on the website and save the .exe file on your computer. Now, close all open instances of Visual Studio and then install the toolkit by double clicking on it.

After the installation completes, open your Visual Studio. Try creating a website with target framework of 4.0 or above. Open your WebForm. Try checking in the Toolbox . You will find AJAX Toolkit Controls under “AJAX Control Toolkit v18.1” tab ( the version may change depending on updates).

How To Install The Latest Version Of AjaxControlToolkit For Visual Studio

From here, you can drag and drop any control on your WebForm and AjaxControlToolkit.dll will automatically be added to your project.

How To Install The Latest Version Of AjaxControlToolkit For Visual Studio

Now, you can program it as you like.

So friends, you see that AjaxControlToolkit has improved and it has moved to a new website to download.

That’s all for this article. Thanks for reading! I hope it is helpful for you.

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