How To Improve Your iOS App's Performance


Users expect the Apps to perform well. An App takes too long to launch and responds slowly to input, which may appear to the user as if it's not working or lagging. An app that makes a lot of large network requests may increase the user's data charges and drain the device's battery. These behaviors can frustrate users and lead them to uninstall the App.

Prepare and implement performance improvements by approaching the problem scientifically,

  1. Gather information about the issues your users are seeing.
  2. Measure your App's behavior and find the cause of the issues.
  3. Plan one change to improve the situation.
  4. Implement the change.
  5. Observe whether the App's performance improves.

These activities form a continuous improvement which is shown below --

How to improve your iOS App's performance

Optimizing the various aspects of the App, including app launch time, memory usage, and app response time, here are some comprehensive guides to help you improve your app performance -

Optimize app launch time

You can reduce the number of launch images. Including too many launch images can increase the App's launch time. Having only one launch image that can be stretched to different screen sizes is recommended.

Load resources lazily

Loading resources only when needed can reduce the App's launch time. For example, loading images and data only when they are required instead of loading preloading of data.

Reduce the number of dependencies

The number of dependencies in an app can increase the App's launch time. It is suggested to remove unnecessary dependencies or use alternative libraries that are more lightweight.

Reduce the App size

  • You can Optimize image sizes - Large image sizes can significantly increase the App's size. It is recommended to reduce the size of images by using image optimization tools like image ImageOption or image
  • Removing unused resources from the App can reduce its size. It is recommended to periodically check the resources like images and classes not used in the App and remove them.
  • Reduce the size of libraries and frameworks: The size of libraries and frameworks can significantly increase the App's size. It is recommended to use only the required features of the libraries and frameworks and avoid those that are not necessary.

Use Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)

  • GCD is a powerful technology that permits the App to finish tasks asynchronously and in parallel. This can enhance the App's performance by reducing the time required to complete tasks and improving the App's responsiveness.
  • It is advised to use GCD for background tasks and long-running tasks to keep the main thread responsive.

Avoid Using blocking methods

  • Blocking methods are time-consuming, and this can cause the App to appear unresponsive. For example, using a blocking method to perform a network request can cause the App to freeze until the request is finished.
  • It is recommended to use non-blocking methods, such as GCD, to perform tasks asynchronously and keep the main thread responsive.

Optimize memory usage

Use autorelease pools

Autorelease pools help manage memory usage by releasing no longer needed objects. It is suggested to use autorelease pools to reduce the App's memory impression.

Use weak references

Weak references allow objects to be deallocated when they are no longer needed. It is recommended to use weak references instead of strong references to reduce the App's memory footprint.

Avoid memory leaks

Memory leaks can significantly increase the App's memory usage and reduce its performance. It is recommended to use tools like Xcode's Instruments to detect and fix memory leaks.

Optimize response time

Use caching

Caching can significantly improve the App's response time by reducing the time required to fetch data from the network. It is recommended to cache frequently used data to reduce the number of network requests.

Minimize the number of network requests

Network requests can significantly slow down the App's response time. It is recommended to minimize the number of network requests by batching requests or using a local database to store data.

By following the above tips, you can remarkably improve the performance of your iOS app and provide a great user experience. It is essential to regularly check the App's performance and make optimizations as needed to maintain its high performance.


I hope you understood how to improve your app performance and which measure points you must keep in mind while developing an iOS app. Happy Reading, Enjoy!!

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