How to Implement Localization in Next.js?


Localization (l10n) allows your application to support multiple languages. This guide shows how to set up localization in Next.js using next-i18next.

1. Setup

1.1 Install Dependencies

Install next-i18next, i18next, and react-i18next.

npm install next-i18next i18next react-i18next

1.2 Configure next-i18next

Create next-i18next.config.js.

// next-i18next.config.js
module.exports = {
  i18n: {
    defaultLocale: 'en',
    locales: ['en', 'fr', 'es'],

Update next.config.js.

// next.config.js
const { i18n } = require('./next-i18next.config');

module.exports = { i18n };

2. Translation Files

2.1 Create Translation Files

Organize translation files under public/locales.


Example content for common.json.

// public/locales/en/common.json
  "welcome": "Welcome",
  "goodbye": "Goodbye"

3. Using Translations

3.1 Configure _app.js

Wrap your app with appWithTranslation.

// pages/_app.js
import { appWithTranslation } from 'next-i18next';
import '../styles/globals.css';

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return <Component {...pageProps} />;

export default appWithTranslation(MyApp);

3.2 Using useTranslation Hook

Access translations in components.

// components/Hello.js
import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next';

const Hello = () => {
  const { t } = useTranslation('common');
  return <h1>{t('welcome')}</h1>;

export default Hello;

3.3 Server-Side and Static Props

For server-side or static generation.

// pages/index.js
import { serverSideTranslations } from 'next-i18next/serverSideTranslations';
import Hello from '../components/Hello';

const Home = () => <Hello />;

export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
  return {
    props: {
      ...(await serverSideTranslations(context.locale, ['common'])),

export default Home;

4. Locale Switching

4.1 Add Locale Switcher

Create a locale switcher component.

// components/LocaleSwitcher.js
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { setCookie } from 'nookies';

const LocaleSwitcher = () => {
  const { locale, locales, push } = useRouter();

  const handleLocaleChange = (lng) => {
    setCookie(null, 'NEXT_LOCALE', lng, { path: '/' });
    push('/', '/', { locale: lng });

  return (
      { => (
          onClick={() => handleLocaleChange(lng)}
          style={{ fontWeight: locale === lng ? 'bold' : 'normal' }}

export default LocaleSwitcher;

5. Testing Localization

5.1 Verify Translations and Switching

Ensure translations are displayed correctly and the locale switcher functions properly.


Integrating localization in Next.js using next-i18next enables multi-language support. Follow these steps to set up, use, and manage translations effectively in your application.

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