This article will guide you on how to handle conditional styling in your react js application. In simple terms, how you will change your CSS style based on a given condition. So let's start and see.
How to implement
Create a new react application or open existing react app. Declare two different CSS style objects named as objectStyle and objectStyleValid with below attributes (in Code).
Next we will declare a const variable named “isValid”. Based on its value (true/false) we will try to change the CSS style.
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
function App() {
const objectStyle = {
color: "white",
backgroundColor: "#ac5353"
padding: "10px"
const objectStyleValid = {
color: "Red",
backgroundColor: "#bc3553",
padding: "10px"
const isValid = true;
return (
<h1 style={{color: "orange"}}>Welcome to rect js application</h1>
<h3 style={objectStyle}> Styling using JS Object</h3>
<h4 className="headerStyle">Styling using CSS</h4>
<h4 style={isValid ? objectStyle : objectStyleValid}>Conditional Styling using CSS</h4>
export default App;
Update isValid value as true and run the app. We can see once “isValid” value true then “objectStyleValid” is getting apply.
![How to handle conditional Styling in React JS]()
Update isValid value as false and run the app. We can see once “isValid” value is false then “objectStyle” is getting apply.
![How to handle conditional Styling in React JS]()
Today we saw, how we can apply CSS style in our react js app based on a condition. Try it for your project. Hopefully, this will help you.
Thank you.