How To Deploy Power App List Form From One Tenant To Another Tenant


In this article, we will learn how we can deploy the Power App list form (Not canvas app) from one tenant to another tenant. For the canvas app, we just need export and import, but for list forms, only export-import will not work. We need to perform some other steps as well.


  • The list's display name and list name in the URL must be the same in the source and destination sites.
  • Column names must be the same in the source and destination list.

How to export the Power App list form

Follow the below steps to set up the Power App list form from one tenant’s list to another tenant’s list.

Step 1. Go to your source site collection where the Power App form is set up go to your customized Power App list form and click on the file menu.


Step 2. Now select the Save option from the left navigation and click on See all versions.


Step 3. On clicking See all versions, it will open a new tab in the browser and list all versions of your Power App list form. Now click on Export package.

Export package

Step 4. On clicking Export package, it will open another page and ask for the name and description to export the power app form. Here type the Name and Description.

Export package

Step 5. Now in the Review Package Content section, click on Update. On clicking, it will open a panel on the right side. Select Create a new Radio button and click on the Save button.


Create as new

Step 6. Now click on the Export button, on clicking the Export button it will export the power app form and download the zip file.

Click on export

Now we will use this downloaded zip file in another tenant.

How to Import Power App List form

Step 1. Extract the exported zip file of the power app form.

Step 2. In this extracted folder, you will find a folder named Microsoft.PowerApps as shown in the below picture.

Microsoft power apps

Step 3. Go to \Microsoft.PowerApps\apps\{some random id} and you will find a JSON file there in the folder. Now, open that JSON file in Notepad++.

Step 4. Change the value of "site":"https://{tenant name}{site collection name}" with the site URL where you have set up the related list.

Step 5. Change the value of "listUrl":"https://{tenant name}{site collection name}/Lists/{List Name}/AllItems.aspx" with the URL of the list.

Url of list

Step 6. Change the value of "listId":"******-****-****-****-*******" with the id of the list in your site collection. To get the listId, navigate to the list and open the list settings as shown in the below picture. From the URL of the list settings, you can get the listId of that particular list. Example,

https://{tenant name}{site collection name}/_layouts/15/listedit.aspx?List=%7B20aaf622-2dm1-62a8-aaba-387b4c4cd76f%7D

Tenant name

Step 7. Save the changes in the JSON file.

Step 8. Replace the JSON file in the zip folder with the modified JSON file.

Step 9. Now go to here select Apps from the left navigation bar and click on the Import canvas app.


Step 10. Click on Upload and select the ZIP file with the modified JSON file inside.

Click on upload

Step 11. Once the zip package is uploaded click on Create as new.

Create as new

Step 12. On clicking Create as new, it will open a panel on the right side. Here type the Resource name and click on the Save button.

Import setup

Step 13. Now click on the Import button from the bottom right.

Click on import

Step 14. Once the import completes you will be automatically redirected to a page that outlines that the import operation was successful and click on Open app as shown in the below picture.

Open app

Step 15. The app will ask for the permissions and allow the permissions.

Step 16. After allowing the permissions, the form will open. Refresh the source list from a data source (Data Sources > Select "..." > Refresh) as shown in the below picture.


Step 17. Select the File menu (on the left edge), as shown in the below picture.

Select file menu

Step 18. Now save and publish the app as shown in the below pictures.


Publish to share point

Step 19. Now go back by clicking on the back arrow from the left navigation bar and select Back to SharePoint as shown in the below screenshot.


Step 20. On clicking Back to SharePoint, it will redirect back to the list. Now again open the Power Apps Studio by clicking on Customize forms as shown in the below picture.

Customize forms

Step 21. If the errors are still there, delete the data sources from Data Sources > Select "..." > Remove.

Click on remove

Step 22. To add the data source, from the same section select the SharePoint Connection.

Share point

Step 23. Now select the URL of the site on which you have set up the list from recent sites or enter the URL of the list as shown in the below picture and a popup will open to select the list. After selecting the particular SharePoint list click on Connect.

Connect to sharepoint


Step 24. Now perform steps 17, 18 and 19 for saving the app and publishing it to SharePoint. Now the PowerApps form has been successfully deployed and you can verify the form by creating a new item in this list using the new item form.

Step 25. Click on New to create a new item in the list and verify the PowerApps form.


That is how we can deploy the Power App list form from one tenant’s list to another tenant’s list. Hope this article will be helpful!

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