This tutorial will teach you how to deploy the docker using an open source VM (Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS) in Azure Portal.
Step 1
Navigate to your Resource Group. My resource group is Shanuka-RG
![How To Deploy Docker In Ubuntu Server Using Azure Portal]()
Step 2
In the Azure portal, search for the Ubuntu server and click Create
![How To Deploy Docker In Ubuntu Server Using Azure Portal]()
Step 3
I have mentioned all the steps so you can provide the details as per your project.
![How To Deploy Docker In Ubuntu Server Using Azure Portal]()
![How To Deploy Docker In Ubuntu Server Using Azure Portal]()
Step 4
I have Disk type SSD premium. As per your project you can be able to change and click Next: Networking
![How To Deploy Docker In Ubuntu Server Using Azure Portal]()
Step 5
Provide your network details and review and create, once validation passed click to create
![How To Deploy Docker In Ubuntu Server Using Azure Portal]()
Step 6
Deployment in progress
![How To Deploy Docker In Ubuntu Server Using Azure Portal]()
Step 7
My VM has been created successfully
![How To Deploy Docker In Ubuntu Server Using Azure Portal]()
Implement Ngnix service on my Ubuntu VM
Step 1
Before implementing the Nginx service I just copy the public IP and check with my browers
![How To Deploy Docker In Ubuntu Server Using Azure Portal]()
![How To Deploy Docker In Ubuntu Server Using Azure Portal]()
Step 2
Now I'm going to connect my VM through Putty Open>Putty>type your public ip>open
![How To Deploy Docker In Ubuntu Server Using Azure Portal]()
Step 3
Typ your VM username and password
![How To Deploy Docker In Ubuntu Server Using Azure Portal]()
Step 4
First, update your package using the command
sudo apt-get update
![How To Deploy Docker In Ubuntu Server Using Azure Portal]()
Step 5
This command used for HTTPS allows
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
![How To Deploy Docker In Ubuntu Server Using Azure Portal]()
Step 6
This command for docker download
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add –
Step 7
This command creates the repository
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable"
Step 8
This command for docker installation
sudo apt-get install docker-ce
![How To Deploy Docker In Ubuntu Server Using Azure Portal]()
Step 8
This command for pulling the Nginx service
sudo docker pull nginx:1.17.0
Step 9
This command for a sample project
sudo docker run --name sampleapp -p 80:80 -d nginx:1.17.0
Step 10
My Nginx service seems working good with public IP
![How To Deploy Docker In Ubuntu Server Using Azure Portal]()
This article taught us how to set up docker using Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS on Azure portal. If you have any questions, please contact me.