How to Create a Vue Project?


This guide helps you start your first Vue project easily. Learn the simple steps to set up your development environment using npm, make key project choices, and get your Vue.js app running

1. Create a Root Folder

Start by creating a root folder for your Vue project.

Open Command Prompt

Access the command prompt and navigate to your root folder.

Install Vue.js

Run the following command.

npm create vue@latest


  • npm: Node Package Manager used for managing Node.js packages and dependencies.
  • create vue@latest: Command to create a new Vue.js project with the latest available version.

This initiates the Vue project creation process.

Respond to Prompts

Once prompted, enter the necessary project details.

After answering these prompts, the project scaffolding will begin.

  • Project name: (e.g., MyFirstVueProject)
  • TypeScript: Yes/No (Choose No)
  • JSX Support: Yes/No (Choose No)
  • Vue Router: Yes/No (Choose No)
  • Pinia for state management: Yes/No (Choose No)
  • Vitest for Unit Testing: Yes/No (Choose No)
  • End-to-End Testing Solution: Choose from No/Cypress/NightWatch/Playwright
  • ESLint for code quality: Yes/No (Choose No)

Run Commands

Navigate to the Project Directory

Change the directory to your newly created project:

cd MyFirstVueProject


Install Dependencies: Install project dependencies using npm.

npm install

Run the Project: Start the development server.

npm run dev


After running this command, the command line will display.

  • Local: http://localhost:5173/
  • Network: use --host to expose

press h + enter to show help.



You've successfully set up your Vue.js project. By following this guide, you've navigated the initial stages of environment setup, project configuration, and application launch. Embrace this newfound knowledge as you venture into the exciting world of Vue.js development. Keep coding and exploring the possibilities with Vue.js.

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