First of all sign into url as shown below
Enter your credentials to login to the Office365 Project site. After successfully logging in you will able to see the below screen as a landing page.
Now click on Menu as shown below
Upon clicking on menu a list of items will be displayed as shown below
Select Project,
When you click on Project, you can see Project online landing page which is PWA (Project Web App) site as shown below.
Again click on Projects from the left quick launch bar, then you can see a list of projects in the system as shown below
As we all know that each project will have its own project site, to view this click on any project from the list below, here I will select last project
Then you will see the below screen,
Click on project site link which is on left side quick launch, upon clicking the project site, then we can see a page as below.
Now our target is to create a new list in the project site and dump the data from the excel sheet.
Microsoft is provides an app in Sharepoint to export the data from excel.
Click on the setting and select site contents as shown below.
Then site contents page will appear as below
Click on add app and search the Import spread sheet app as below
Now click on the app to create a new list, then the page appears as below,
Fill in the details to proceed,
Now click on choose file to upload the excel sheet.
After file selection, click on Import to create a list
Then a pop up box will appear with an excel sheet as shown below,
Now select the Range type from the dropdown options as shown below
Select Range of cells as a Range Type.
After selecting Range type, click on select range dropdown and select the rows and columns from the excel sheet then finally click on Import.
That’s it, a new SharePoint list is created within seconds as shown below.
Thanks for reading my article,
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