How To Create Grammar Model Using Python?


In this Article, We are going to learn about the grammar model. A grammar model is a statistical model that is used to predict the likelihood of a sequence of words being grammatically correct. Grammar models are typically trained on large corpora of text, and they can be used to improve the accuracy of natural language processing tasks such as text generation, machine translation, and question answering.

Types of Grammar Models

There are two main types of grammar models: rule-based models and statistical models.

Rule-based grammar models

Rule-based models use a set of rules to determine whether a sequence of words is grammatical.

Statistical grammar models

Statistical models, on the other hand, use statistical techniques to learn the probability of a sequence of words being grammatical.

Statistical grammar models are typically more accurate than rule-based models, but they can be more difficult to train. Statistical grammar models are also more flexible, and they can be used to model more complex grammatical phenomena.

Benefits of using grammar models

  • They can help to improve the accuracy of natural language processing tasks.
  • They can help to identify grammatical errors in the text.
  • They can be used to generate grammatically correct text.
  • They can be used to translate text from one language to another.

Challenges of using grammar models

  • They can be difficult to train.
  • They can be computationally expensive to use.
  • They can be sensitive to the quality of the training data.

Despite these challenges, grammar models are a powerful tool that can be used to improve the accuracy and fluency of natural language processing tasks.

Developing a Grammar Model with Python's Language Tool 

This code is a Python script that utilizes several natural language processing (NLP) libraries to create a web interface called "Grammar Model". The purpose of this interface is to correct spelling and grammar errors in text and perform sentiment analysis on the corrected text. Let's go through the code step by step-

  1. The code begins by importing necessary libraries, including NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit), LanguageTool, and gradio.
  2.'vader_lexicon') downloads the VADER lexicon for sentiment analysis from NLTK. VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) is a popular tool for sentiment analysis in NLTK.
  3. from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize imports the sent_tokenize function from NLTK, which is used to tokenize the text into sentences.
  4. from language_tool_python import LanguageTool imports the LanguageTool library, which provides grammar-checking functionality.
  5. from nltk.sentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer imports the SentimentIntensityAnalyzer class from NLTK, which is used for sentiment analysis.
  6. import gradio as gr imports the gradio library, which is used to create the web interface.
  7. The code initializes a LanguageTool object with the 'en-US' parameter. This object will be used for grammar checking.
  8. The code creates a SentimentIntensityAnalyzer object, which will be used for sentiment analysis.
  9. The grammar_check function takes a text parameter, checks the grammar using the LanguageTool object, and returns the corrected text and a list of grammar mistakes (matches).
  10. The analyze_sentiment function takes a text parameter, performs sentiment analysis using the SentimentIntensityAnalyzer object, and returns the sentiment of the text as a string (Positive, Neutral, or Negative).
  11. The extract_wrong_words function takes a list of matches (grammar mistakes) and extracts the wrong words (replacements) from each match, returning a set of wrong words.
  12. The Grammar function takes a text parameter, applies grammar checking to the text, analyzes the sentiment of the corrected text, counts the total number of words in the corrected text, and extracts the wrong words. It returns the corrected text, sentiment analysis result, total word count, and wrong words.
  13. The code creates a gradio interface (iface) by passing the CsharpGrammarly function as the main function (fn). It specifies a Textbox input for the user to enter text and defines four Textbox outputs for the corrected grammar, sentiment analysis result, total word count, and wrong words.
  14. The iface.launch() method launches the gradio interface, making it accessible through a web browser.
import nltk'vader_lexicon')
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
from language_tool_python import LanguageTool
from nltk.sentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
import gradio as gr

# Initialize LanguageTool object once
tool = LanguageTool('en-US')
sia = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()

def grammar_check(text):
    matches = tool.check(text)
    corrected_text = tool.correct(text)
    return corrected_text, matches

def analyze_sentiment(text):
    sentiment_scores = sia.polarity_scores(text)

    # Positive sentiment: score > 0
    # Neutral sentiment: score = 0
    # Negative sentiment: score < 0
    sentiment = ""
    if sentiment_scores['compound'] > 0:
        sentiment = "Positive"
    elif sentiment_scores['compound'] == 0:
        sentiment = "Neutral"
        sentiment = "Negative"

    return sentiment

def extract_wrong_words(matches):
    wrong_words = set()
    for match in matches:
    return wrong_words

def Grammar(text):
    corrected_text, matches = grammar_check(text)
    sentiment_result = analyze_sentiment(corrected_text)
    total_words = len(corrected_text.split())
    wrong_words = extract_wrong_words(matches)
    return corrected_text, sentiment_result, total_words, wrong_words

iface = gr.Interface(
    inputs=gr.inputs.Textbox(placeholder="Enter your text here..."),
        gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Modified Grammar"),
        gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Sentiment Analysis"),
        gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Total Words Count"),
        gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Detected Wrong Words")
    title="Grammar Model",
    description="Correct spelling, grammar, and analyze sentiment."


As you can see, this model will provide you with the correct grammar of the given text with its sentiment of the text and also count the total words of the given input and return the wrong words that it got wrong in the sentence.


The grammar model in this code utilizes the LanguageTool library to perform grammar checking on the input text. It helps identify and correct grammar mistakes in the text by providing suggestions for replacements. The model leverages the LanguageTool object, which is initialized with the 'en-US' parameter, to check the grammar.

The functionality of the grammar model can be summarized as follows:

  1. Grammar Checking: The model checks the grammar of the input text using the LanguageTool library. It identifies grammar mistakes such as incorrect word usage, punctuation errors, and sentence structure issues.
  2. Correction of Grammar Mistakes:  The model suggests corrections for the identified grammar mistakes. It applies the corrections to the input text using the correct method of the LanguageTool object, resulting in a corrected version of the text.
  3. Extraction of Wrong Words: The model extracts the wrong words (replacements) from the identified grammar mistakes. It creates a set of wrong words that can be displayed as feedback to the user.
  4. Total Word Count: The model calculates the total number of words in the corrected text. This information can be useful for various purposes, such as analyzing the text length or providing statistics about the input.

The grammar model works in conjunction with the sentiment analysis component to provide a comprehensive language analysis tool. It not only helps users identify and correct grammar mistakes but also provides insights into the sentiment of the corrected text.


Q 1. Can the model be used for real-time grammar checking in applications?

A. Yes, the model can be integrated into applications for real-time grammar checking. By leveraging the provided functions and interfaces, developers can incorporate the grammar-checking functionality into their applications or services, allowing users to receive instant grammar correction feedback.

Q 2. How accurate is the grammar correction provided by the model?

A. The accuracy of the grammar correction depends on the underlying LanguageTool library and its rule set. LanguageTool is a popular grammar-checking tool and generally provides reliable suggestions for grammar mistakes. However, it is important to note that automated grammar checking may not catch all errors and may occasionally suggest incorrect corrections. Human proofreading and context consideration are still valuable for ensuring accurate grammar.

Q 3. Can the model handle different languages other than English?

A. The model, as implemented in the code, is specifically designed for the English language. The 'en-US' parameter is used to initialize the LanguageTool object with English rules. However, LanguageTool supports multiple languages, and with appropriate language configuration, it can be extended to work with other languages as well.

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