Today, I am writing about “How to create and delete a Project and configured Project site on Project Server Online”. As we know, Office 365 provides us service for Project Online, generally we call it “Project Web Access (PWA)”. Here, I would like to show you how to create a new Project using PWA site and manage the same.
This article consists of the followings points.
How to create Project on Project Server online (Office 365)
How to delete Projects on Project Server online
How to configure Project site
How to deactivate or delete Project site on Project Online
So, let's start from creating new Project from PWA Project Center.
In PWA (Office 365), select Project Center in the Quick Launch section.
In the Project Center, on the Projects tab of the ribbon, select New, and then select the appropriate project plan called as EPT (Enterprise Project task) which includes PDP and workflow task as well.
How to delete created Project from Project Center Online.
Now, we will show you how to delete Project from Project Online PWA site. After creating and finishing the work, the customer needs to delete those unused Projects or retired Projects. I will show you how to delete easily from PWA site.
First, we need to identify the Project Name which we want to delete from PWA site.
Then, go to Project online (PWA) setting and click on PWA setting from top of the page.
Now, we will be displayed PWA setting page. Here, we need to select "Delete Enterprise Objects".
Select Project name and if we wish to delete the connected Project site, we can delete the same also.
Once we click on the delete option, it will show the below information saying that your task has been queued to Process. So, wait for some time and go back to Project Server Page. Refresh the page and you will find that there is no more Project available on the Project online.
How to configure Project site on Project Online (Office 365)
Let's see how to configure Project site on Project Online (Office 365). Once the Project is created on Project Online, it won’t be connected with Project site by default. We need to configure the Project to site configuration. We have to follow a few steps to configure the same.
Login to Project server Online (PWA) and click on PWA setting from gear box on the top of the page.
Once we click on the same, we will get PWA settings page. Here, we need to select Connected SharePoint sites from Operational Policies.
As mentioned above, go to PWA setting page and select "Connected SharePoint sites" from Operational Policies. Then, click on the same option.
It will take us to "SharePoint site" page where we can connect Project site page.
Select the desired Project name and click on "Create site" option. Once we do this, it will prompt us to create site page.
Here are the details you could fill in.
- Project Name - by default it will assigned.
- Web Application Name - it will be assigned by default. If you have another web app, you can select here from the drop down as well.
- Site URL - it will consist of project web app and your desired name for this Project by default. It will be selected as project name only.
- Destination URL - it consists of the project web app and appended name.
If you want to remove the Project site from any of the projects, follow the few steps like navigating PWA setting page, select connected SharePoint sites from operational option.
Here, select the Project name and click on deactivate. Wait for some time and your project will be deactivated.