NuGet is the package manager for .NET Developers who can create, share and consume essential dot net libraries. NuGet client tools provide the ability to produce and consume these libraries as packages. Moreover, the package increases the code reusability.
Create a class library
First of all, take a class library project.
![Library project.]()
Create a package
Open the Visual Studio developer window or go to the release/debug directory and open the command prompt. Execute the below command to generate a nuget package. Like
dotnet pack -o [output path]
![Command prompt]()
Create a local source alias
Execute the below command to generate a Nuget package local source alias. Like
dotnet nuget add source [Package Source] -n [Package-Source-Alias]
![Nuget pacakge]()
Use the local nuget package in the project
Create a new project or Open an existing project. Open the Package Manager Console window and execute the below command. Like
dotnet add package [Package Name]
![Use Local]()
Run the project and get the result from the local Nuget package according to your use.
Update packages by version
After changing the class library, you have to need to update your existing local package. So, Open the Visual Studio developer window and execute the below command to update the old Nuget package. Like
dotnet pack -p:[PackageVersion] -o [output path]
Use the updated local nuget package in the project
Open the .csproj file and replace the package version number. Like
![Packge version number]()
Now, rebuild the project and get an updated package.
Hope this article has helped you to understand about local Nuget package. Here I have tried to explain very simply how to create and use a local Nuget package. Happy coding and thanks for reading my article!