Dataverse Accelerator is a new Experimental feature released by Microsoft to use the low-code plug-ins in the Dataverse environment. Low-code plug-ins are reusable, server-side synchronous business logic workflows that execute in real time.
This article will explain the step-by-step process of creating the Instant Plugin in the Dataverse Environment.
Follow the article below and Install the Dataverse Accelerator App in your Dataverse Environment.
Install the Microsoft Dataverse Accelerator App
Follow the below steps after the Prerequisite.
Step 1. Click on New plugin under Instant plugins.
Click on New plugin->Instant plugins.
![Instant plugins]()
Step 2. Click on theSolutionsdrop-down and select your Solution to save the new plugin into that solution.
For this example, I am selecting Arun Potti – Low Code Plugins – Solution.
Step 3. Provide the Display name and the Description under the Basic details section.
Click on Next.
![Basic details]()
Step 4. Click on the New input parameter.
![Input parameter]()
Step 5. Enter the Label and choose the Data type for the Input parameter.
![Data type]()
Step 6. Click on the New out parameter.
![New out parameter]()
Step 7. Enter the Label and choose the Data type for the Out parameter.
Step 8. Enter the below Power Fxlow code in the Expression text box to convert the given Input Text to Upper Case.
{ConvertedText: Upper(InputText)}
Click onNext.
![{ConvertedText: Upper(InputText)}]()
Step 9. Click onSave.
Save is in progress.
Step 10. Instant Plugin is saved successfully. Click on Test to test the plugin.
Step 11. Enter the Input Text and Click on Run.
Plugin execution has started.
![Plugin execution]()
You can see the OutputBodyin theResponse.
{“@odata.context”:”https://apxyz.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.1/$metadata#Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.dev_ConvertTextToUpperCaseResponse”,”ConvertedText“:”ARUN POTTI”}
Step 12. Click onIntegrate.
![Click on Integrate]()
You can see the Power Apps Logic and Power Automate steps to integrate your Instant plugin.
![Power Automate]()
Hope you have followed all the steps and created your first low-code instant plugin using this experimental feature.
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