How To Create An Azure Data Factory

Azure data factory is a cloud-based extract-transform-load (ETL) and data integration service. I have written a separate article on the azure data factory where I have explained what we can do with the Azure data factory.
Here in this article, I am going to show you how to create an Azure data factory.

Create a Data Factory

You need to follow some simple steps to create an Azure data factory. Below are the required steps.
Step 1
Login on ''. Hope you already have a subscription for azure (free trial or paid) and a resource group. If no please check here how to create a free Azure account and a resource group.
How To Create An Azure Data Factory
Step 2
Now search Data factories in azure services and click on them.
How To Create An Azure Data Factory
Now will get the option '+New' to create a new data factory. Click on it.
How To Create An Azure Data Factory 
Step 3
Once you click on '+new', a new window will be opened named 'Create Data Factory'. First, you need to provide 'Basic' information to create a data factory-like Resource group name, region, and name of the data factory. Then click to next.
How To Create An Azure Data Factory 
The data factory name should always be globally unique.
Step 4
Here you need to provide Git configuration. Choose one of the repository types either AzureDevOps or GitHub if you have.
How To Create An Azure Data Factory 
If you don't have an account for any of these then you have to click on the check box of 'Configure Git later' like the below image. Then click on the nest.
How To Create An Azure Data Factory 
Step 5
You need not do anything in the 'networking' tab, 'Advanced' tab, and 'tags' tab. go to the 'Review+create' tab by click next or directly click on the 'Review+create' button. once your validation passed here click on 'Create'.
How To Create An Azure Data Factory 
After click on 'Create' deployment will be started. it will take few seconds.
How To Create An Azure Data Factory 
How To Create An Azure Data Factory 
Click on the go-to resource. your data factory has been created.
How To Create An Azure Data Factory 
to create a pipeline in this data factory click on 'Author & Monitor'.
How To Create An Azure Data Factory 
You will reach here you can find the options to create pipelines, data flows, copy data, etc.
How To Create An Azure Data Factory 
Once your data factory has created you can directly open it by login on ''. See the below image.
How To Create An Azure Data Factory 
After click on 'continue', your pipeline will be opened like the below image.
How To Create An Azure Data Factory 


Azure data factory is a very useful and powerful service of Azure. It is a cloud-based integration service that is very popular to create ETLs on the cloud. I hope this article will help you to create a data factory. Try once and let me know if any queries.
Thanks for reading.
Have a nice day.

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