First, create a console application in Visual Studio 2017.
![visual studio]()
Click on the Project and a window will appear, as shown below.
![visual studio]()
Select Console App (Framework) and give the proper name. You will see the following screen.
![visual studio]()
Let's start writing lines of code to achieve our task.
![visual studio]()
Write a few lines of code to create a SQL connection. The below command is used to to open the SQL connection.
![visual studio]()
The SQL command should be created inside a using statement. It receives SQL statement as first argument.
The SQL command initializes a new instance of the SqlCommand class.
ConnSource.Open() //Open the Connection
Cmds.ExecuteNonQuery // executes SQL statement against the connection and returns the number of rows affected.
Here, I am creating a new table named Projects in my destination dbASPNETCoreDemoDB.
My Source DB is EPM –dbo.msp.
EpmProject_UserView is my view.
Hey, don’t forget to set up your target connection in your app settings, as shown below.
![visual studio]()