In this article, we will learn how to check an array's length in C#. The array length property is a read-only property that returns the number of elements in the array. It is accessed using the dot notation followed by the keyword "Length." The Array length is used to get the total number of elements in all the dimensions of the Array in C#.
For example, suppose you have an array of integers called "numbers." You can get the length of the Array using the following methods .
Methods to length an array in C#
- Using the ArrayLength()
- Using the Length Property
- Using the GetLength()
- Using Multidimensional length()
Method 1. Using ArrayLength()
The ArrayLength() method is used to retrieve the length of an array. The syntax for using ArrayLength() is as follows.
public int Length { get; }
The total number of elements in all the dimensions of the Array is zero if there are no elements in the array length statement.
// declaring public class
// The static method does not have
// access to the instance variable
public class Program
public static void Main()
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int length = numbers.Length;
Console.WriteLine("The length of the array is: " + length);
We have an integer array number with five elements in the above program. We use the.length property to get the number of elements in the Array and store it in the variable length. Then we print the length using Console.WriteLine.
Note. that the Length property is a property of the array object itself and not a method, so you don't need to call it with parentheses.
Method 2. Using the Length Property
In C#, the Length property is used to get the total number of elements in an array, string, or collection that implements the ICollection interface.
Here's an example of how to use the Length property in C# with an array
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int length = numbers.Length; // length variable will contain 5
Console.WriteLine($"The length of the array is {length}");
// Output: The length of the array is 5yArray.Length); //
1. Using the Length property with a String
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string greeting = "Hello, CSharpcorner!";
int length = greeting.Length; // length variable will contain 20
Console.WriteLine($"The length of the array is {length}");
// Output: The length of the array is 5yArray.Length); //
2. Using Length property with a Collection
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<string> fruits = new List<string> { "apple", "banana", "orange", "kiwi" };
int length = fruits.Count; // length variable will contain 4
Console.WriteLine($"The length of the array is {length}");
// Output: The length of the array is 5yArray.Length); //
It's important to note that the Length property returns an integer value that represents the number of elements in the collection. If the collection is empty, the Length property will return 0. Also, the Length property is a read-only property, which means that you cannot set its value directly.
Method 3. Using the GetLength()
The GetLength() method is used to retrieve the length of a specified dimension in a multi-dimensional array. It is a member of the System.Array class and takes an integer argument that specifies the dimension whose length is to be retrieved.
Here is an example of how to use the GetLength() method in C#
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int[,] matrix = new int[3, 4]; // create a 3x4 matrix
int rows = matrix.GetLength(0); // retrieve the number of rows (dimension 0)
int columns = matrix.GetLength(1); // retrieve the number of columns (dimension 1)
In this example, we create a 3x4 matrix using a multi-dimensional array. We then use the GetLength() method to retrieve the number of rows (dimension 0) and columns (dimension 1) in the matrix. The values are stored in the rows and columns variables, respectively.
Note. that the GetLength() method can only be used with multi-dimensional arrays. It cannot be used with jagged arrays or single-dimensional arrays.
Method 2. Using Multidimensional Array length()
This program is used for the Length property to get an array's total elements. This works in the GetUpperBound method to determine the number of elements in each dimension of a multidimensional array. The total number of elements in all the dimensions of the Array is zero if there are no elements in the array length statement.
public class ArrayDemo {
public static void Main() {
// Declare a single-dimensional string array
String[] arr1d = {
// Declare a two-dimensional string array
String[, ] arr2d = {
// Declare a three-dimensional integer array
int[, , ] arr3d = new int[, , ] {
}, {
}, {
private static void ShowArrayInfo(Array arr) {
Console.WriteLine("Length of Array: {0,3}", arr.Length);
Console.WriteLine("Number of Dimensions: {0,3}", arr.Rank);
// For multidimensional arrays, show number of elements in each dimension.
if (arr.Rank > 1) {
for (int dimension = 1; dimension <= arr.Rank; dimension++) Console.WriteLine(" Dimension {0}: {1,3}", dimension, arr.GetUpperBound(dimension - 1) + 1);
This program demonstrates the use of different arrays and displays information about them. The Main method declares and initializes three arrays a one-dimensional string array, a two-dimensional string array, and a three-dimensional integer array. The ShowArrayInfo method takes an Array object as a parameter and displays information about the Array. It first prints the length of the Array and the number of dimensions. If the Array has more than one dimension, it prints the number of elements in each dimension. In the Main method, the ShowArrayInfo method is called three times, passing one of the three arrays declared earlier as an argument. Overall, this program provides a simple demonstration of how to work with arrays in C# and how to obtain information about their dimensions and sizes.
In this article, you will learn about the code that taught us how to check the length of an array in C#. Working with Arrays in C# (code included), check out Working with Arrays in C# (code included)
Q- What are the three different types of arrays in C#?
A- There are three types of arrays: indexed, multidimensional, and associative.
Q- What is the base class for all arrays in C#?
A- System.Array.
Q- How do I get the length of an array in C#?
A- You can get the length of an array in C# by using the Length
property. For example, if you have an array myArray, you can get its length using myArray.Length
Q- What is the maximum length of an array in C#?
A- The maximum length of an array in C# depends on the system's available memory at runtime. The system.array class in .NET can have up to 2^31-1 elements, but the number of elements that can be created is limited by the amount of memory available.
Q- Can the length of an array be changed in C#?
A- The length of an array in C# is fixed at its creation and cannot be changed. However, you can create a new array with a different length and copy the original Array's elements to the new Array.
Q- How do I initialize an array with a specific length in C#?
A- You can initialize an array with a specific length in C# by using the new
keyword followed by the data type and the length of the Array in square brackets. For example, to create an integer array with a length of 5, you can use int[] myArray= new int[5].
Q- Can I use a negative number as the length of an array in C#?
A- No, you cannot use a negative number as the length of an array in C#. The length of an array must be a non-negative integer value.