This is a step-by-step example of an unmanaged call, i.e. from a DTS Active X script, to a .NET assembly, using a SQL Server scheduled Job as the caller's context. Almost any class in .NET can be exposed to a COM client simply by exporting the information for its assembly and registering the assembly with COM. The class must have a default constructor and the methods, properties, fields, and events you want to expose must be public.
I'll now show you a step-by-step implementation of a COM client (a SQL Server scheduled Job) using .NET and C#.
Step 1. Update system path variable
Append to the System Path variable both .NET directory paths to run the .NET commands from any directory at the command prompt. The paths will vary according to the .NET Versions(1.0 or 1.1). These are the Version 1.0 paths that are used for this example on a Windows 2000 Professional system.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\FrameworkSDK\Bin
- Go to the Desktop.
- Right-click on the My Computer icon.
- Click on the Properties item in the context menu.
The System Properties dialog box will pop up >> Click on the Advanced tab.
- Click on the Environment Variables... button.
- The Environment Variables dialog box will pop up.
- Highlight the Path item in the System variables panel and click on the Edit button.
|![Environment variables]()
The Edit System Variable dialog box will pop up, as shown below.
In the Variable Value text box append both .NET path values to the value in the text box. First, insert a semi-colon (;) just after the last character in the text box, then append the .NET paths separated by a semi-colon to the value in the text box. See the semi-colons in red font below.
C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\FrameworkSDK\Bin
![Edit system variable]()
Click OK to get out of the three dialogs.
Now, we can utilize the .NET command-line utilities from any directory of the command prompt.
Step 2. Create the assembly
For SQL Server to be able to get to the assembly at runtime and use it as a COM object, the assembly has to be registered with COM, and it has to be either placed in the same folder as the host executable or registered in the .NET global assembly cache (GAC) so that the runtime can find it. To add the assembly to the GAC, you will need to digitally sign it. To digitally sign it, you need a strong name key file and will need to compile that key file into your assembly.
So, let's see what it takes to do that. First, you create the strong name key file using the Strong Name Tool (sn.exe). You run sn.exe as follows to create a key file named createtxtkey.snk:
sn -k createtxtkey.snk
You could use sn.exe and the Assembly Linker tool (al.exe) to add the key file to your assembly after you have compiled it, but a much easier way is to use the AssemblyKeyFile attribute in your code to compile it at compile time. It must be only declared once, and be at assembly scope (i.e., outside the namespace declaration for your code). For our example,
Add the following two lines to the top of the createtxt.cs file, immediately beneath all the "using" namespace statements and above the nscreatetxt namespace declaration. The AssemblyVersion attribute will also be added to control our versioning process. Save the file.
The two lines are to be added. [assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFile("createtxtkey.snk")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.0")]
Insert these lines as below.
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFile("createtxtkey.snk")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.0")]
namespace nscreatetxt {
public class clscreatetxt {
public clscreatetxt() {}
public void createtxt() {
StreamWriter SW;
SW = File.CreateText("c:\\MyTextFile.txt");
SW.WriteLine("Hello Mom");
SW.WriteLine("Hello GrandMom");
We need to compile the code into a .NET assembly. From the command line, type the following command.
csc /t:library createtxt.cs /r:System.dll
The /t (or /target) switch tells the C# compiler to make the resulting assembly a class library (or DLL) instead of using the default packaging of an EXE. The /r (or /reference) switch tells the C# compiler to add references to the needed dlls. This output will follow.
![Output flow]()
Even though COM can find all the types of information it needs to describe the component now, there is one last step before you will be able to instantiate the component from a client application. You must either copy the .NET assembly (createtxt.dll) into the same folder as the host executable that will be using it, or you must register the assembly in the GAC. I will take the latter approach to show how it is done.
Registering the assembly in the GAC is as easy as running one more command from the command prompt. The following output from the command prompt with the gacutil.exe tool.
Run the command
gacutil /i createtxt.dll
In the gac folder, you can see the new assembly creation.
Note. The Version and Public Key Token.
![Create txt]()
The .NET framework provides a tool called regasm.exe, that you can use to create the necessary registry entries for your new assembly. It is simple to use, from the command prompt simply type: regasm [path to assembly]. The assembly will then be registered in the registry, just like a COM DLL. The next step now is to create the type library and register the assembly. You can create the type library with the tlbexp.exe tool, then call regasm.exe to do the registration, or you can do it all in one fell swoop using the /tlb switch on regasm.
Run the command
regasm createtxt.dll /tlb:createtxt.tlb
The following output after the orgasm tool.
![Output after the regasm]()
You now have a .NET COM component that can be consumed from any COM client. There is a lot more capability in .NET and the runtime to perform far more complex COM interoperability than the assembly described here, but the same approach applies.
In the references dialog box of a project in VB6, you can see createtxt.dll, now available to COM. Note the Location value of the type library below.
![Available reference]()
In the Registry Editor (regedit.exe command), it is there below.
![Registry editor]()
Step 3. Create the DTS in SQL Server
Step 4. Schedule the package and create the SQL Server Job
Select the new package, right-click, and click on the Schedule Package... item in the context menu.
![Schedule package]()
The Edit Recurring Job Schedule dialog will appear.
Edit the new package appropriately and click OK to exit.
![Edit recurring job schedule]()
Proceed to the Jobs node, right-click, and click Refresh.
When you schedule a DTS package in the above manner, a Job is created for you automatically in SQL Server. You can now see the newly created Job in the Jobs pane on the right.
You may edit the Job at any time by selecting the name of the Job, right-clicking, and clicking on the Properties item. The edit dialog, shown below, will pop up to edit appropriately.
The Job edit dialog box with its four tabs will appear after clicking on Properties.
![Click on properties]()
The assembly here is very simple, i.e. creating a .txt file on the local machine. But one can quickly see the processing power here. The complexity and power lie in the requirements of the application. When ready to deploy this to a production SQL Server, the .NET Framework SDK must be installed on the server to access the .NET commands to build the assembly. Duplicate all these steps on the production server to deploy. An installation package could be created for deployment, but that is another article.