In this article, I will discuss the process of building a survey in SharePoint Online. Creating a correct introduction is the most important part of developing a survey. A survey in SharePoint allows an individual to easily collect the input & feedback from a user using Questions, Rating Scales, Likes, Dislikes, and Choice-Based & Branching Logic. Surveys are the most technical solution used instead of emailing or calling a person about a specific topic/issue/growth etc.
So, let’s get started.
Benefits of using a Survey
SharePoint survey is a great tool to collect the response from co-workers about your organization growth. Shown below are the benefits of using a Survey.
- Surveys in SharePoint allow users multiple responses. Multiple responses are used for open-ended surveys. Refer the below screenshot.
Fig-1 shows the multiple response to a survey.
- Branching logic in SharePoint helps a user to relate Question A response to Question B and so on, which makes the response clean & more valuable. Refer the below screenshot.
Fig-2 represents a branching logic.
- Responses can be visible in graphical format based on the number of responses made by the user.
Fig-3 represents a graphical response.
- Permissions in Surveys allow an individual to edit a survey or protect it from being edited.
Fig-4 represents a survey permissions which will give access to a user based on the permissions
- Surveys can be used as templates.
Fig-5 represents survey template.
- Surveys can be integrated with Excel by exporting to Excel to make decisions in a data-minded way.
Steps to create a survey
Follow the below steps to create a survey.
- Click on the gear icon on top right corner and choose “Site Contents”.
- Click on “Add an app”. Refer the below screenshot.
- Search for “Survey List” in the search box.
- Click on “Survey” app and the below screenshot will appear.
- Click on “Advanced Options” and the following window opens.
- Give “Name”, “Description”, “User Name in survey results”, “Allow multiple responses” as Yes/No & click on next button, as shown in the below screenshot.
- A "New Question" window will appear. Here, we can put our survey questions which allow us to answer the questions with different answers, such as ratings, choice, multiple lines of text etc.
- Put your survey questions and click on "Finish". Once finished, the below screen will appear.
- To respond to the survey, click on “Respond to this Survey” option, as shown in the below screenshot.
- Respond to the survey created and click on “Finish” button, as shown in the below screenshot.
- Survey response can be tracked by graphical summary response.
- Click on “Graphical summary of Response”.
- Also, the response can be exported to the Excel sheet by clicking on “Action” menu and select “Export to spreadsheet” option, as shown in the below screenshot.
- Permissions for survey can be managed by clicking on “Survey Settings” and “Advanced Settings” and click “OK”.
So, these are the few steps to create a survey in SharePoint Online.