How To Add Text Box And Shapes In Power BI Reports


You can add different types of shapes and text boxes in your report. Power bi desktop and power bi services both provide this feature. But once you publish your report on power bi services you can not edit it. However, you can add text box and shapes in your report in Power bi services.
Along with the data-bound visuals, you can also add static elements such as text boxes, images, and shapes to improve the visual design of your reports.

Add a Text Box in Your Report

  1. Open your report in which you want to add a text box or create a new report. In my last article, I have shown you how to add button in a report. I have opened that report and I will add text box into it.See previous article -
  2. To open your report, go to ‘File’ tab and click on ‘Open report’ select your .pbix file and click on ‘Ok’.

    How To Add Text Box And Shapes In Power BI Reports

    How To Add Text Box And Shapes In Power BI Reports
  1. To add text box, go to ‘Insert’ tab and click on ‘Text box’. You can move text box anywhere by simply dragging and dropping. Type your content in to the text box. Also you can change the font and size of content.

    How To Add Text Box And Shapes In Power BI Reports
  1. After inserting the text box you can select the text and make it bold and italic. Also you can add hyperlink on the text. To add link on the text, select the text and click on ‘insert link’ option that highlighted in red color in the below image.

    How To Add Text Box And Shapes In Power BI Reports
Copy the link that you want to add and paste into it and click on ‘Done’. See below image
How To Add Text Box And Shapes In Power BI Reports 
Hyperlink has been added in your text box.
How To Add Text Box And Shapes In Power BI Reports 
Similarly, you can add text box next to each button by copying the text and pasting it in to the text box. Change the content according to the button.
How To Add Text Box And Shapes In Power BI Reports 

Add Shapes in Your Report

 I have inserted the text box next to the buttons that shows what is this button and how to create it. So, we can add a shape between button and text box to show their relationship. To add shape in to your report, go to ‘Insert’ tab and click on the ‘Shapes’ drop down menu. Select the shape according to your task. I am selecting ‘Arrow’
How To Add Text Box And Shapes In Power BI Reports 
By default, it is an upward arrow. You can rotate it according to your requirement by clicking on rotation to change the degree.
How To Add Text Box And Shapes In Power BI Reports 
Similarly, you can add more arrows in your report by copying the one and pasting it.
How To Add Text Box And Shapes In Power BI Reports 


I hope it will help you to add text boxes and shapes in your report. I have shown you the above task in Power bi desktop. You can also try this on the Power bi service. If you have any query, please feel free to ask. Thanks for reading. Have a good day.

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