How To Add Quiz Or Survey On SharePoint Online Modern Page Using Microsoft Forms


In earlier versions of SharePoint, we had surveys lists and discussion boards; I am sure everyone must have used this a lot in the old days. As SharePoint has evolved from MOSS to Online with modern UI and SPFx, the surveys and discussion boards with classic UI don’t really match up with the branding. So, what options do we have then? For discussions, you should start using Yammer. The plus point of Yammer is that you can easily integrate the Yammer posts in modern page with OOB web part.
For Quiz and Survey, let’s see how we can use Microsoft Forms and add it on a modern page of SharePoint.


Microsoft Forms is one of the apps from your Office 365 suite, that is available in most of the licensing packages. With Microsoft Forms, you can create surveys, polls, and quizzes, invite others to respond to it using almost any web browser or mobile device, see real-time results as they're submitted, and export results to Excel for analysis.
Let’s see how you can find it in your office 365 suite. Log in here.
You should see the Forms app listed as shown below. Click on it.
How To Add Quiz Or Survey On SharePoint Online Modern Page Using Microsoft Forms
It will open here in a separate tab and will automatically login with your Office 365 account. If not, then enter your credentials. That’s how Fthe orms home page looks. Click on the "New Quiz" icon to start creating new.
How To Add Quiz Or Survey On SharePoint Online Modern Page Using Microsoft Forms
As shown below, enter the quiz title, description, and then choose the type of response you want for your questions. Once selected, it will provide further UI to enter the questions and answers.
How To Add Quiz Or Survey On SharePoint Online Modern Page Using Microsoft Forms
Below are shown the different types of question responses you can choose. I will explain each of them in a separate article as our main intention in this article is to learn how we can use Forms for integration with SharePoint modern page. Ranking, Likert, and Net Promoter Scope are really interesting to try out.
How To Add Quiz Or Survey On SharePoint Online Modern Page Using Microsoft Forms
As shown below, enter a question, choose the answer values depending on what type you have selected. You can mark the question as required or can keep it optional to answer. Click on "+ Add New" to add more questions.
How To Add Quiz Or Survey On SharePoint Online Modern Page Using Microsoft Forms
The Quiz Form is automatically saved. Don’t try to find the Save button 😉.
Now, click on the "Share" button on the top right corner. Click on the "Copy" button to copy the Quiz URL. Keep this handy for we will need this while integrating it on SharePoint modern page.
How To Add Quiz Or Survey On SharePoint Online Modern Page Using Microsoft Forms
Log in to your SharePoint modern site, edit the page on which you want to add this quiz form, click on "+" icon to add a new web part. As shown below, select the Microsoft Forms web part
How To Add Quiz Or Survey On SharePoint Online Modern Page Using Microsoft Forms
Once the web part is added, edit its properties. In the Properties section, we need to paste the quiz form URL which we copied in the above steps.
How To Add Quiz Or Survey On SharePoint Online Modern Page Using Microsoft Forms
Click on OK and save and publish the page. That’s how your MS Forms Quiz will look like on your SharePoint intranet or department site portal. Users will be able to find it easily as it is on the home page and they can respond to it easily.
How To Add Quiz Or Survey On SharePoint Online Modern Page Using Microsoft Forms


We use Microsoft Forms for Surveys and Quizzes and integrate it on modern pages in SharePoint. Microsoft Forms have made our life easier by providing various important response templates. You can use built-in analytics to evaluate the responses. Quiz results can be easily exported to Excel for analysis.
That’s it for this article. Thanks for reading, and I hope this helps.

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