How to Add a Popup for DELETE a Record in Power Apps

1. Open

2. Navigate to Apps and open your CanvasPop.

3. Create a new Screen in the app.

4. Include a Gallery and a DataSet labeled as Account. Inside the Gallery, incorporate a button for deletion upon selecting the DELETE button within the Gallery.

Set(AccountDialog, true);
Set(AccountItem, ThisItem);

Power apps Canavs

5. Take one Rectangle and the Below values.

Fill=RGBA(0, 0, 0, .6)

Add one Label and 2 buttons 1. OK 2. Cancel.


6. OnSelect of OK button.

If(User().Email=AdminItem.'Grant Email to',Notify("You cannot revoke your own Access. Please contact Admin."),Remove('Admin Users',AdminItem);Set(adminDialog,false)).


7. OnSelect of Cancel button, add the below formula in the canvas app.


Thank you..!

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