How To Access Your Bookmarks From Anywhere, On Any Device or Browser on the Web


In this article, we will discuss how to access your bookmarks from anywhere, on any device or any browser on the web. There are various types of methods to access your bookmarks, and we will discuss this process in this article step by step.

What is a bookmark?

In the context of the World Wide Web, a bookmark is a Uniform Resource Identifier that is stored for later retrieval in various storage formats. All modern web browsers include bookmark features.
Bookmarks are called favorites or Internet shortcuts.
Each browser has a built-in tool for managing the list of bookmarks. The list storage method varies, depending on the browser, its version, and the operating system on which it runs. 
Types of the methods to access your bookmarks on the web
  1. Import and export bookmarks to any Browser
  2. Sync your bookmarks with your Google account
Method 1
Import and export bookmarks to any browser
First, if you want to access your bookmarks you have to export them and then import them into the browser from which you want to access them.
Step 1
Click on three dots, select bookmarks option, then go to the bookmark manager.
Step 2
Click on three dots on the right side corner and select the export bookmarks option.
Step 3
You will see the following window; then you can click on the save button and save the file in HTML format in which directory you want to save the file.
Step 4
Now you can import these bookmarks into the browser you want to use.
Go to bookmarks manager then click on import bookmarks.
Step 5
Select exported HTML file of bookmarks and click on the open button.
Step 6
Now you can see the list of imported bookmarks on the browser.
Step 7
You can import bookmarks from another browser too. To import these bookmarks go to settings, then select Import bookmarks and settings. Here you can select bookmarks from another browser or your exported bookmarks HTML file and then click on the “import” button.
Your Bookmarks are imported successfully; now you can access them.
Method 2
Sync your bookmarks with your Google account
To access your bookmarks using your Google account you have to log in with your Gmail account first, then sync your account. After that whenever you add bookmarks it will sync with your account and you can access them on any device on the web browser.
You can also use Google bookmarks for accessing your bookmarks and store them on your account to access them anywhere.
Step 1
Go to Google bookmarks then login with your Google account.
With Google Bookmarks, you can save shortcuts to your favorite webpages and navigate to them in seconds from anywhere.
Step 2
Click on add bookmark, enter the name, URL, and labels you want to store then click on add bookmark button.
You will access these bookmarks anywhere and find it in the bookmark section using your Google account.


In this article, we discussed how to access your bookmarks from anywhere, on any device or from any browser on the web.
We saw two types of methods to access bookmarks anywhere:
1. Export and Import Bookmarks from the browser.
2. Sync your Google account or using Google bookmarks. 
I hope this article will helpful for you. Thanks for reading.

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