How Much Data On The Internet

Data growth has been immense in the past few years and it is growing faster than ever. As a matter of fact, 90% of internet data has been created in the last 2 years. Today, the Internet hosts close to 2 billion active websites. There are 4.2 billion active users that are connected to the Internet all the time via 50 billion connected devices.
Here are some daily numbers according to Internet Live Stats: 
Daily data on the internet 
  • 4+ billion active users
  • 2.5 quintillion bytes are created in a day.
  • 223 million emails sent (the majority of them are spam emails)
  • 5.5 billion Google searches
  • 5.9 billion videos viewed on YouTube
  • 69 million photos uploaded to Instagram
  • 272 million Skype calls
  • 100,900 websites hacked
  • 5,053,000,000 GB Internet traffic
  • 3,410,500 MWh electricity used
  • 2,879,800 tons of CO2 emissions 
Most of these devices are either downloading or uploading data from and to some source. Data is stored somewhere on the Web.
So, how much data do we generate daily? According to an IBM post, every day, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data. Based on current trends, the data size is expected to grow 40-times by the year 2020. 
According to MarTech, the total data size of the Internet is 2.7 Zettabytes until 2017. The data size is expected to grow to 44 Zettabytes by 2020 based on an article published on Forbes in 2015. But in the past 2 years alone, data has grown so much that I would not be surprised if total data size passes 50 ZB.
Internet data in size 
 Data in size

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