In this article we will go step by step to host Static ASP.NET Website using Visual Studio on Azure within a few clicks. For this example, we are using Azure Management Portal or Classic Portal to create Web App.
You will learn
- Host Website using Visual Studio
Step 1: Navigate to Microsoft Azure Management Portal & sign in with Azure Subscription credentials.
Step 2: Click on +New -> COMPUTE -> WEB APP -> QUICK CREATE.
Enter URL name, App Service plan & Region.

Step 3: Click on website name and select DASHBOARD tab. Download the Web App Publish profile.

Step 4: Start Visual Studio & Open the project. Right Click on project name & select “Publish”.

Step 5: Select Import option. Browse the downloaded publish profile file(.PublishSettings file.

Step 6: Publish methods options like server, site name, username, password & destination URL option available. Click on Next button.

Step 7: Choose Configuration -> Debug or Release.

Step 8: Again click on Next button. Preview of web deployment available & Publish the project.

Wait for few seconds or minutes; it also depends on the project size as well as on internet connectivity to publish projects on Azure.

Congratulations your Visual Studio Project is successfully hosted on Microsoft Azure!
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