Handling Events In AngularJS


In this article, we will go through how events are handled in AngularJS. Here, we will take a simple example. To start with, we will display various personnel profiles and will show how many likes/dislikes a profile gets, using the buttons for likes and dislikes respectively, that are associated with it.


First, go through my previous article ng-repeat directive in AngularJS because we are going to use ng-repeat directive here.


Let's start. As we had discussed, we will first display profiles of various persons. We need to create an array for this. So, do it.

var persons = [];

Now, in that person's array, we will pass name; i.e., respective profile name and likes and dislikes. Initially, we will set that to 0; and finally, we will pass that to the $scope parameter.

var mypartone = angular.module("mymodule", []).controller("myController", function($scope) {
    var persons = [
            name: "Akshay",
            likes: 0,
            dislikes: 0
            name: "Hari",
            likes: 0,
            dislikes: 0
            name: "Milind",
            likes: 0,
            dislikes: 0
            name: "Raghvan",
            likes: 0,
            dislikes: 0
    $scope.persons = persons;

Alright. So, we had various profile names, such as Akshay, Hari, Milind, and Raghvan. Initially, I set the values for likes and dislikes to 0 and assigned that to our array.

Now, we have to increase the likes and dislikes functionality. For that, you need to create a function for likes and dislikes. Let's do that.

Now, I have created a function called Likes; and assigned it to $scope object, as.

$scope.incrementLikes = function(per) {

$scope increments like. In that function, we have to increment likes. So we used ++. Similarly, we need to do it for dislikes.

$scope.incrementDislikes = function(per) {

So, our final code is.

var mypartone = angular.module("mymodule", []).controller("myController", function($scope) {
    var persons = [{
        name: "Akshay",
        likes: 0,
        dislikes: 0
    }, {
        name: "Hari",
        likes: 0,
        dislikes: 0
    }, {
        name: "Milind",
        likes: 0,
        dislikes: 0
    }, {
        name: "Raghvan",
        likes: 0,
        dislikes: 0
    $scope.persons = persons;
    $scope.incrementLikes = function(per) {
    $scope.incrementDislikes = function(per) {

Now, we will see how we are going to display that. We need to display it in a table section.


Now, we need to have four <th> sections to display Name, Likes, Dislikes, and buttons.

So, let's add 4 <th> sections.


Now, we need to loop through those records of various names. So, we are going to use <tbody> sections and in that, we are going to use the ng-repeat directive to loop those records.

So, add the <tbody> section.

    <tr ng-repeat="per in persons">

Now, we need to display those records. So, we are going to use the binding expression.

    <tr ng-repeat="per in persons">
        <td>{{ per.name }}</td>
        <td>{{ per.likes }}</td>
        <td>{{ per.dislikes }}</td>

Now, we need to create two buttons for likes and dislikes. So, we create two buttons with the help of an input tag. Let's do it.

    <input type="button" value="Like">

Now, we will add the ng-click section after the value. What this will do is to call the function.

$scope.incrementLikes = function (per) {

to increment our likes.

Now, we will pass that function to ng-click to increment those likes.


So, our final like button code is, as follows.

<input type="button" value="Like" ng-click="incrementLikes(per)" />

Similarly, let's do it for the dislike button.

    <input type="button" value="DisLike" ng-click="incrementDislikes(per)" />

Final Code

        <tr ng-repeat="per in persons">
            <td>{{ per.name }}</td>
            <td>{{ per.likes }}</td>
            <td>{{ per.dislikes }}</td>
                <input type="button" value="Like" ng-click="incrementLikes(per)" />
                <input type="button" value="DisLike" ng-click="incrementDislikes(per)" />

So let's run our solution and see what output we get.


We get the desired output.


This was about handling events in AngularJS. Hope this article was helpful.

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