In this article, I will explain about the use of Google Chart in Angular. I will explain how to implement a Google Chart in our project. And also, I will discuss some fundamentals of Google Chart.
- Angular 12
- HTML/Bootstrap
For this article, I have created an Angular project using Angular 12. For creating an Angular project, we need to follow the following steps.
Create Project
I have created a project using the following command in the Command Prompt.
ng new ngchartexample
Open a project in Visual Studio Code using the following commands.
cd ngchartexample
code .
The next step is to install the Full Calendar-related dependencies using the following commands.
npm install angular-google-charts
The next step is to import the GoogleChartsModule in your app.module.ts. This will allow you to use all of the features provided by this Google Chart Library.
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { GoogleChartsModule } from 'angular-google-charts';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
How to use google chart functionality
We need to add below line in HTML page to use Google Chart.
There are following attributes for google chart. Those can help us to manipulate google chart.
It will help us to define the type of chart
<google-chart [type]="CharType"></google-chart>
It will help us to add data to google chart. which should be in JSON format.
<google-chart [data]="ChartData"></google-chart>
The columns property expects an array describing the columns chart data array. The number of entries must match the length of the inner array passed in the data property. Some charts don't require columns
<google-chart [columns]="chartColumns"></google-chart>
Title allows us to display title. It is an optional property.
<google-chart [title]="ChartTitle"></google-chart>
The width
property is optional and allows to set the width of the chart
The height property is optional and allows to set the height of the chart
<google-chart [width]="ChartWidth" [height]="Chartheight"></google-chart>
The GoogleChartComponent
provides some common Google Chart events.
Ready event is called when the chart had drawn something.
Error event is called when an error occurs in chart.
The mouseover
event automatic called when the mouse hovers over any element of chart
The mouseleave
event automatic called when the mouse stops hovering element of chart
<google-chart (ready)="onReady($event)" (error)="onError($event)" (mouseover)="OnMouseOver($event)" (mouseleave)="onMouseLeave($event)"></google-chart>
Open app.component.html and paste following code.
Open app.component.ts and paste following code.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'my-app',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'],
export class AppComponent {
title = 'Google Chart Example';
type = 'PieChart';
type1 = 'LineChart';
type2 = 'ColumnChart';
// column chart
columnsChartdata = [
['other', 16, 'color: rgb(143, 27, 0)', '$6'],
['Architect', 3, 'color: rgb(143, 27, 0)', 3],
['Business', 2, 'color: rgb(143, 27, 0)', 2],
['Project', 5, 'color: rgb(143, 27, 0)', 4],
['developer', 9, 'color: rgb(143, 27, 0)', 4],
columnsChartdatacolumn = [
{ role: 'style' },
{ role: 'annotation' },
columnsChartoptions = {
title: '',
tooltip: {
textStyle: { color: 'blue', fontName: 'Tahoma', fontSize: '15' },
labels: 'none',
pieSliceText: 'none',
pieSliceTextStyle: { color: 'red', fontSize: 9, display: 'none' },
slices: [
{ color: '3eafe0' },
{ color: 'bd6a67' },
{ color: 'b9b262' },
{ color: '6abf7e' },
{ color: '6c95b7' },
is3D: false ,
fontSize: 9,
legend: 'dsd',
// column chart
pieChartColumns = [
{ role: 'style' },
{ role: 'annotation' },
pieChartData = [
['other', { v: 2, f: '$12,345' }, 'color: rgb(143, 27, 0)', '$6'],
['Architect', { v: 6, f: '$12,345' }, 'color: rgb(143, 27, 0)', '$6'],
['Business', { v: 3, f: '$12,345' }, 'color: rgb(143, 27, 0)', '$6'],
['Project', { v: 8, f: '$12,345' }, 'color: rgb(143, 27, 0)', '$6'],
['developer', { v: 9, f: '$12,345' }, 'color: rgb(143, 27, 0)', '$6'],
// Line Chart
lineChartoptions = {
tooltip: { isHtml: true },
legend: 'none',
lineChartcolumnNames = [
{ role: 'style' },
{ role: 'annotation' },
{ type: 'string', role: 'tooltip', p: { html: true } },
lineChartdata = [
['other', 5, 'color: rgb(143, 27, 0)', '6K', 'Other <br/> $ 6'],
['Architect', 7, 'color: rgb(143, 27, 0)', '$6', '1221212 <br/> $ 6'],
['Business', 12, 'color: rgb(143, 27, 0)', '$6', '1221212 <br/> $ 6'],
['Project', 10, 'color: rgb(143, 27, 0)', '$6', '1221212 <br/> $ 6'],
['developer', 8, 'color: rgb(143, 27, 0)', '$6', '1221212 <br/> $ 6'],
Open app.component.css and paste following code.
.google-visualization-tooltip {
width: 1510px !important;
border: none !important;
border-radius: 21px !important;
background-color: rgb(30, 50, 230) !important;
position: absolute !important;
box-shadow: 7px 7px 5px 0px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.75) !important;
background: -moz-linear-gradient(
rgb(30, 50, 230) 30%,
rgb(90, 140, 250) 70%
) !important;
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(
rgb(30, 50, 230) 30%,
rgb(90, 140, 250) 70%
) !important;
background: -o-linear-gradient(
rgb(30, 50, 230) 30%,
rgb(90, 140, 250) 70%
) !important;
background: -ms-linear-gradient(
rgb(30, 50, 230) 30%,
rgb(90, 140, 250) 70%
) !important;
background: linear-gradient(
rgb(30, 50, 230) 30%,
rgb(90, 140, 250) 70%
) !important;
font-size: 10px !important;
Let's start the project using the following command:
ng serve
In this article, I have discussed various features of Google Chart with example in Angular.