Getting Started With PIR Sensor


In this article, we are going to create a simple working project using PIR Sensors with a buzzer. Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR) is a sensor that uses infrared radiation and the property of emission from the infrared radiations radiated from human beings. Infrared radiation is also an electromagnetic wave that posses both, particle nature and wave nature. The maximum range is 7m and the minimum range is 0.3cm. PIR Sensor has a Fresnel Crystal covering which converges the infrared radiations from the surroundings to the sensor.
  1. Arduino UNO R3 (or another equivalent Arduino Boards) Pi
  2. Resistors (330 Kohm)
  3. Connecting wires
  4. Buzzer
Process of the Circuit
  1. Our circuit has Arduino Board, buzzer, Pir sensor, and some jumper cables connected as shown in the circuit in Step 5.
  2. The Arduino board reads the input from the PIR sensor through coding- DigitalRead();
  3. Human being produces IR radiation which is sensed by the sensor. If it senses any radiation, it will send 1 or HIGH as the signal to the Arduino Board.
  4. If the signal is HIGH, the buzzer is set to ON condition, else the buzzer will be in OFF condition.
  5. This will act as a project to count the number of persons entering or it can be modeled to an attendance register project.
Step to follow
Step 1
Open Arduino software.
PIR Sensor
Step 2
The main page will appear.
PIR Sensor
Step 3
Apply the coding given in the article to test the circuit of the Arduino PIR Sensor.
PIR Sensor
Step 4
Compile and upload the coding to the Arduino Board.
PIR Sensor
Step 5
Follow the circuit diagram.
PIR Sensor


In this article, we learned how to work with Sensors like PIR Sensor, Arduino, Serial monitor of Arduino, Buzzer in a simple project. In an upcoming article, we will learn how to work with Ultrasonic Sensor.

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