Getting Started With Mustache.js


JavaScript templating is an essential technique that helps developers create dynamic and interactive web pages. It separates presentation and logic, simplifying the development process and improving code maintainability. One of the most popular JavaScript templating libraries is Mustache.js, which provides a simple yet powerful approach to generating HTML templates.

What is Mustache.js?

Mustache.js is a logic-less templating engine that works with any web framework, including Node.js, React, AngularJS, and Backbone.js. It uses a simple syntax that is easy to learn and understand. Unlike other templating engines, Mustache.js has no control structures, such as if/else statements or loops. Instead, it focuses on data interpolation and rendering.

Mustache.js is a popular JavaScript templating engine that allows you to generate HTML markup from data. It is designed to be simple and flexible, making it an excellent choice for web developers who need to create dynamic web pages quickly and efficiently.

If you're new to Mustache.js, getting started can seem daunting. But fear not! In this article, we'll walk you through the basics of using Mustache.js so that you can build dynamic web pages quickly.

How to Install Mustache.js?

Before we can start using Mustache.js, we need to install it. There are a few different ways to do this, but using a package manager like npm or Yarn is the easiest. Here's how to install Mustache.js using npm:

npm install mustache --save

Once you've installed Mustache.js, you can include it in your project like this:

const Mustache = require('mustache');

Or, if you're using ES6 modules:

import Mustache from 'mustache';

How Does Mustache.js Work?

The basic idea behind Mustache.js is to define a template that includes placeholders, which represent the data that will be dynamically inserted into the HTML document. The placeholders are enclosed in double curly braces like this.

Hello, {{name}}!

Mustache.js replaces the placeholders with the corresponding data when the template is rendered. For example, if the data object is,

  "name": "John"

The resulting output will be,

Hello, John!

Mustache.js also supports several built-in features, such as partials, sections, and lambdas, that allow more complex templating scenarios.

Creating a Template

The first step in using Mustache.js is to create a template. A template is a string that contains placeholders for data that will be filled in later. Here's an example of a simple template,


In this template, {{title}} and {{content}} are placeholders that will be replaced with actual data when the template is rendered.

Rendering a Template

Now that we have a template let's render it using some data. To do this, we'll use the Mustache.render() method, which takes two arguments: the template and an object containing the data to fill in the placeholders.

Here's an example

const template = '<h1>{{title}}</h1><p>{{content}}</p>';
const data = {title: 'Hello, world!', content: 'This is my first Mustache.js template!'};

const rendered = Mustache.render(template, data);


In this example, we're rendering the template string with the data object, which contains the values for {{title}} and {{content}}. The Mustache.render() method returns a string that contains the rendered HTML, which we're logging into the console.

Conditional Rendering

One of the most powerful features of Mustache.js is its ability to render HTML conditionally based on the values of the data being passed in.

Here's an example,

  <button>Click Me</button>

In this example, the {{#showButton}} and {{/showButton}} tags are used to create a conditional block. If the value of showButton is truthy, the HTML inside the block will be rendered.

Here's how we could use this in our previous example.

const template = '<h1>{{title}}</h1><p>{{content}}</p>{{#showButton}}<button>Click Me</button>{{/showButton}}';
const data = {title: 'Hello, world!', content: 'This is my first Mustache.js template!', showButton: true};

const rendered = Mustache.render(template, data);


In this example, we've added a showButton property to our data object and set it to true. This will cause the button to be rendered in the output HTML.


Partials allow developers to reuse parts of templates across different pages. A partial is defined as a separate template included in the main template using the double curly braces syntax.

For example

{{> header}}

This will render the contents of the "header" partial at the current position in the template.


Sections are used to conditionally render parts of the template based on the value of a variable. A section is defined using the hash character (#) for truthy values and the caret character (^) for falsy values.

For example

  <p>Welcome, Admin!</p>

This will render the paragraph only if the "isAdmin" variable is truthy.


Lambdas are used to transform data before it is inserted into the template. A lambda is a function that takes a string as input and returns a string as output.

For example


The "name" variable will be wrapped in a bold tag, as defined in the "bold" lambda.


Mustache.js is a simple and flexible templating engine that can help developers easily create dynamic web pages. It provides robust features, such as partials, sections, and lambdas, that can handle complex templating scenarios. By separating the presentation and logic of web pages, Mustache.js improves code maintainability and enhances the user experience.

We've covered the basics of creating a template, rendering it with data, and using conditional rendering.

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