Dear all, hope everyone doing great.
In this article, we will see how to read XML data from SharePoint Library and display it in a table on the client-side and upload the XML data to SharePoint List.
- Upload XML data to the document library,
- Create a site page & List,
- Get the Sample XML data and code files from my GitHub and upload them to your site assets :).
Screenshot of our application,
![Get XML Data from SP Library And Upload to SP List - JavaScript]()
Basics of XML
First, let's see some basics of XML,
What is XML?
XML - stands for eXtensible Markup Language, designed to store and transport data.
XML Tree Structure
XML documents are formed as element trees.
An XML tree starts at a root element and branches from the root to child elements.
XML Prolong
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The XML prolog is optional,
- XML documents can contain international characters, like Norwegian or French.
- To avoid errors, you should specify the encoding used, or save your XML files as UTF-8.
XML Parser
- Before an XML document can be accessed, it must be loaded into an XML DOM object.
- The XML DOM defines the properties and methods for accessing and editing XML.
- All modern browsers have a built-in XML parser that can convert text into an XML DOM object.
The XMLHttpRequest object used to request data from a web server.
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
// Typical action to be performed when the document is ready:
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = xhttp.responseText;
};"GET", "filename", true);
Let's get started,
Step 1 - Upload the XML to SharePoint Library
Add the sample XML file to the document library,
![Get XML Data from SP Library And Upload to SP List - JavaScript]()
Step 2 - Create a SharePoint List
Create the SharePoint List, with respect to your element tags in the XML,
![Get XML Data from SP Library And Upload to SP List - JavaScript]()
Step 3 - Structuring Client Side
Let us structure our client side,
Refer the HTML to the content editor web part.
<div id="XMLData">
<h1>GET XML Data from SharePoint Library</h1>
<table id="XMLTable"></table>
<br />
<div id="uploadXMLData">
<h1>Upload XML Data to SharePoint List</h1>
<button class="button" onclick="fnUploadData()">Upload</button>
Refer the js file, once div is loaded after <body> tag,
<script type="text/javascript" src="../SiteAssets/XMLtoSP.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
Step 4 - Get XML File from SharePoint Library
With the help of XMLHttpRequest, Get the XML file from the SharePoint Document Library,
var oXHR = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
function rStatus() {
if(oXHR.readyState == 4) fnShowXMLData(this.responseXML);
oXHR.onreadystatechange = rStatus;
//Refer XML File path from SharePoint Library"GET", "../Shared%20Documents/SampleCDCatlog.xml", true); // true = Asynchronous, false = Synchronous
Step 5 - Display the XML Data in table format
function fnShowXMLData(xml) {
xmlTag = xml.getElementsByTagName("CD");
table = "<tr><th>Title</th><th>Artist</th><th>Country</th><th>Company</th><th>Price</th><th>Year</th></tr>";
for(i = 0; i < xmlTag.length; i++) {
table += "<tr><td>";
table += xmlTag[i].getElementsByTagName("TITLE")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
table += "</td><td>";
table += xmlTag[i].getElementsByTagName("ARTIST")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
table += "</td><td>";
table += xmlTag[i].getElementsByTagName("COUNTRY")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
table += "</td><td>";
table += xmlTag[i].getElementsByTagName("COMPANY")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
table += "</td><td>";
table += xmlTag[i].getElementsByTagName("PRICE")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
table += "</td><td>";
table += xmlTag[i].getElementsByTagName("YEAR")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
table += "</td></tr>";
document.getElementById("XMLTable").innerHTML = table;
The XML data is displayed as shown below,
![Get XML Data from SP Library And Upload to SP List - JavaScript]()
Step 6 - Uploading XML Data to SharePoint List
Add the onclick event to the button "Upload",
REST API POST method is used to create items in the SharePoint list,
function fnUploadData() {
for(i = 0; i < xmlTag.length; i++) {
var title = xmlTag[i].getElementsByTagName("TITLE")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
var artist = xmlTag[i].getElementsByTagName("ARTIST")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
var country = xmlTag[i].getElementsByTagName("COUNTRY")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
var company = xmlTag[i].getElementsByTagName("COMPANY")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
var price = xmlTag[i].getElementsByTagName("PRICE")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
var year = xmlTag[i].getElementsByTagName("YEAR")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
fnUploadToList(title, artist, country, company, price, year);
alert("Data Uploaded.!!");
On the for loop, each item is created in the List,
function fnUploadToList(Title, Artist, Country, Company, Price, Year){
var requestUriPOST = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('XMLDataContainer')/items?";
url: requestUriPOST,
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify({
__metadata: {
type: "SP.Data.XMLDataContainerListItem"
Title: Title,
Artist: Artist,
Country: Country,
Company: Company,
Price: Price,
Year : Year
async: false,
headers: {
"Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
"Content-Type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
"X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val(),
"X-HTTP-Method": "POST"
success: function(data) {
console.log("Item Created.!");
error: function(data) {
Refer to the below screenshot,
![Get XML Data from SP Library And Upload to SP List - JavaScript]()
Hooray!! Happy Coding!
Hope you all find this article useful.
For more information about XML refer to the below links,