This is for beginners. I've written this Game in C#. It's generating a random number in the array. So when the user enters the number, it check for that number in the index 0 of the array since it's generating only 1 value. So length of array is 1. using System;public class B{Random r = new Random();public string st;Public int lukynum;public virtual void PlayGame(){int [] scores = {r.Next(1,7)};Console.Write("Type start to play the game: " );st = Console.ReadLine();try{if (st == "start"){do{Console.Write("Please Enter your lucky Number or -1 to Exit: ");lukynum = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());Console.WriteLine();if (lukynum == -1){break;}for ( int i=0; i<scores.Length; i++){if (scores[i] == lukynum){Console.WriteLine("You won by chooing : " + scores[i]);Console.WriteLine();break ;}else{Console.WriteLine("\n\t****PLEASE TRY AGAIN!****");Console.WriteLine("Lucky Number is between 1 and 7 ;) \n");}}}while (lukynum!=-1);}else{PlayGame();}}catch (Exception ex){Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);}}}public class C : B{public C(){base .PlayGame();}}public class MyClient{public static void Main(){C c = new C();}}