This article explores how to enhance PowerApps with interactive features. Learn to synchronize column chart selections to filter galleries seamlessly for a more dynamic user experience.
![Filter PowerApps Gallery with Column Chart Selection]()
1. Setup
Assume that we have a "Project Details" list as the main list and a "Status Count Tracker" list tracking the count of the status with each project in SharePoint.
![Filter PowerApps Gallery with Column Chart Selection]()
2. Prepare PowerApps
Add a new screen in PowerApps. Add the below code to the “OnVisible” property of the screen.
'Status Count Tracker',
Title: Title,
StatusCount: StatusCount
- Insert the Column Chart into the screen.
- Adjust the width of the chart as needed.
- Remove the legend from the chart.
- Set the “Items gap” property to “12”.
- Set the “Items” property of the Column Chart as colStatusData.
3. Enhance X Axis Labels
- Add a label named “lblTohidetheXLabel”.
- Add four more labels to display the X-axis labels.
- Adjust or set “ItemColorSet” as [ RGBA(0, 112, 192, 1), RGBA(128, 0, 128, 1), RGBA(255, 192, 0, 1), RGBA(0, 176, 80, 1)].
![Filter PowerApps Gallery with Column Chart Selection]()
4. Implement Column Chart Selection
Add the following code to the “OnSelect” property of ColumnChart:
'Status Count Tracker',
StatusCount = ColumnChart.Selected.StatusCount && Title = ColumnChart.Selected.Title
5. Create Filtered Gallery
- Add a blank vertical gallery.
- Add two labels inside the gallery.
- Set the "Items" property of the gallery as follows:
varSelectedStatusTitle = "Total",
'Project Details',
varSelectedStatusTitle = "Open",
SortByColumns(Filter('Project Details', Status = "Open"), "Created", SortOrder.Descending),
varSelectedStatusTitle = "InProgress",
SortByColumns(Filter('Project Details', Status = "InProgress"), "Created", SortOrder.Descending),
varSelectedStatusTitle = "Closed",
SortByColumns(Filter('Project Details', Status = "Closed"), "Created", SortOrder.Descending)
6. Inside Configure Gallery Labels
- Inside the gallery, set the “Text” property of the first label as ThisItem.Title and the second label as ThisItem.Status.
- Add two labels for the header of that gallery and set the Text property as “Project” and “Status” respectively.
![Filter PowerApps Gallery with Column Chart Selection]()
By following these steps, you can effectively synchronize column chart selections with filter galleries in PowerApps, offering users a more interactive and dynamic experience.
Enjoy Learning!