Many intranet portals need to display new employees. Let’s learn how to show a list of new employees who joined this year in a Power Apps application using the Microsoft Graph API.
First, we need to create a Microsoft Graph API query to find employees based on their joining date.
API$filter=employeeHireDate ge 2024-01-01T0:0:00Z&$count=true
Consistency level: eventual
When filtering by hire date, be sure to include $count=true as a parameter and set the ConsistencyLevel header to eventual.
With the basics covered, let’s start building a Power Apps application.
Create a new canvas app in Power Apps, and add a button, date-time picker, and gallery controls to the canvas screen.
S.No |
Control |
Name Property |
1 |
Button |
btnGetUsers |
2 |
Date Picker |
dtpStartDate |
3 |
Date Picker |
dtpEndDate |
4 |
Gallery |
glUsers |
5 |
Text Label (Inside the Gallery Control) |
lblUserName |
Then, Connect the Office 365 User data source to your app.
![Data source]()
In the button's OnSelect property, add the following formula.
"$filter=(employeeHireDate ge " & Text(
) & "Z and employeeHireDate le " & Text(
) & "Z )&$count=true&$select=displayName",
{CustomHeader1: "Consistencylevel:eventual"}
In the OnSelect property, two variables are used: varNewusers and varNewjoiners.
- varNewusers stores the response from the Microsoft Graph API.
- varNewjoiners converts the retrieved response into an array of data.
Next, add a Text Label control inside the Gallery control and update its properties according to the table below.
Control |
Property |
Value |
Button (btnGetUsers) |
Text |
Get Joiners |
Gallery (glUsers) |
Items |
Varnewjoiners |
Text Label (lblUserName) |
Text |
ThisItem.Value.displayName |
Once you've completed all the steps above, run the application. In the app, click the 'Get Joiners' button. This will trigger a Microsoft Graph API call to filter users based on the EmployeeHireDate property using Office365Users.HTTPRequest. The display names of the filtered users will then appear in the Gallery control.