Fetch Document Versions in SharePoint using PowerShell

This script can retrieve document versions, along with metadata such as the version number, last modified date, and the user who made the changes.

This PowerShell script will,

  1. Connect to a SharePoint site.
  2. Access a specified document library.
  3. Retrieve version information for each document, including version number, modified date, and modified by.
  4. Export the data to a CSV file for easy reference.

Step 1. Install PnP.PowerShell module.

Install-Module -Name "PnP.PowerShell" -Scope CurrentUser.

Step 2. Script to get all the versions of Documents.

# Import the PnP.PowerShell module
Import-Module PnP.PowerShell

# Define parameters
$SiteUrl = ""
$LibraryName = "Documents"  # Replace with your document library name
$OutputFile = "DocumentVersionHistory.csv"
$Username = "[email protected]"  # Replace with your SharePoint username
$Password = "yourpassword"  # Replace with your SharePoint password

# Create a secure password
$SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force

# Create a credential object
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($Username, $SecurePassword)

# Connect to SharePoint Online using credentials
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteUrl -Credentials $Credential

# Initialize an array to store version data
$VersionData = @()

# Get all files in the specified document library
$Files = Get-PnPListItem -List $LibraryName -PageSize 100 -Fields "FileLeafRef", "FileDirRef"

# Loop through each file in the library
foreach ($File in $Files) {
    # Build the full URL for the file
    $FileUrl = ($File["FileDirRef"] + "/" + $File["FileLeafRef"])

    # Retrieve version history for the current file
    $Versions = Get-PnPFileVersion -Url $FileUrl

    # Loop through each version and capture version details
    foreach ($Version in $Versions) {
        $VersionData += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            "FileName"       = $File["FileLeafRef"]
            "VersionNumber"  = $Version.VersionLabel
            "ModifiedDate"   = $Version.Created
            "ModifiedBy"     = $Version.CreatedBy

# Export the version data to a CSV file
$VersionData | Export-Csv -Path $OutputFile -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8

# Disconnect from SharePoint

Write-Host "Document version history exported to $OutputFile"


  • This script leverages PnP.PowerShell, the modern module that replaces the legacy SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline.
  • The password is securely handled by converting it to a SecureString and using it within the PSCredential object.


This approach provides a simple and modern way to retrieve document version histories using PnP.PowerShell, with added security and cross-platform compatibility.

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